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Handy:do-it-yourself facial care

Handy:do-it-yourself facial care

Affordable and fresher can not be:make your cosmetics yourself. How about a banana mask for dry skin or ice cubes that boost your tired look?

Banana Mask

Mash half a ripe banana together with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of crème frache. Stir it well. You can also use the immersion blender. Apply the mask all over your face and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Read also: 'DIY:this is how you make a face mask especially for your skin type'

Pep cubes

Brew a mix of chamomile and fresh mint tea and let it cool. Pour the tea into an ice cube tray and let it freeze in the freezer. If you want to do something about the bags under your eyes or if your tired skin could use a boost, wrap an ice cube in a cotton (handkerchief) cloth and rub it over your eyes and face.

Source:Santé archive