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Are you prettier in a selfie?

Are you prettier in a selfie?

A selfie as a profile picture, because you don't have normal pictures of yourself. It seems like you are never your best in the picture, but you happen to look good in that selfie.

Clearer in mirror image
There's a reason you look better in selfies. If you use the front cam of your camera, you see yourself in a mirror image. Because you always see yourself in a mirror image in the mirror, you are used to this image of yourself. You automatically find something that you see often more beautiful.

Are you really prettier in a selfie?
To answer this question, the University of Toronto photographed nearly 200 students and the researchers also had them take a selfie. Then the students had to rate their own photo and the photos were judged by strangers. Most students thought they were the most beautiful in the selfie, while the strangers chose the photo taken by someone else.