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10 Bizarre Ingredients in Beauty Products

Read on and... shudder at 10 Bizarre Ingredients in Beauty Products. Every woman uses beauty products at one time or another, some more than others. Yet few women will think about what they actually put on their faces, lips or nails and what actually makes them feel more beautiful and attractive.

10 Bizarre Ingredients in Beauty Products

Before I go into 10 very strange ingredients that are used in beauty products, a small note:the cheaper a product, the greater the chance that it contains junk. Now I have to say that the ingredients below are not just junk. In many cases, although bizarre ingredients, they are high-quality or even natural. Nevertheless, it is good to always go through the ingredients of products. I myself am a big proponent of natural care products and I also only use make up on a natural and biological basis.

1. Used cooking oil in the beauty industry

We all know that KLM uses used frying oil as fuel, but the beauty industry also processes used frying oil. Processing creates a surfactant that helps to repair damaged skin. In itself, this is still doable:after all, it is environmentally friendly, because used oil from restaurants and cafes is bought and reused.

Moreover, the used frying oil is first processed and therefore not simply added to beauty products. The only question is whether you want to walk around with something on your face in which beef or pork has been fried first.

2. Pepper spray in lipstick

That's right, you often come across pepper spray in beauty products. This while pepper spray is mainly known for its caustic effect. When used in the eyes, it can even have a blinding effect. However, the side effects are not too bad for the use in beauty products.

Have you ever used a little pungent lipstick? Then some pepper spray may have been added to the lipstick when it was repaired. The tingling ensures that you get fuller lips a la Kylie Jenner. Unusual, but like the previous one, this ingredient is still fairly normal.

3. Chicken bone marrow in face creams

And now things get even weirder with the ingredients:chicken bone marrow. You will find this in face creams and moisturizers. The basic principle here is that the marrow is full of glucosamine, which is good for the skin (young appearance) and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can live with this product, especially when you consider that many more animal parts are used in beauty products, but more about this later.

4. Fish scales like glitter

Love beauty products with that extra glitter and shimmer? There is a good chance that the relevant beauty product (from lipstick to nail polish) will contain fish scales. By the way, herring itself is the most commonly used fish by-product in beauty products (just so you know). Don't like fish, but love beauty products? Maybe it's time to put your aversion to fish aside.

5. Cochineal (lice), the well-known carmine or cochineal

Cochineal is indicated on the packaging as carmine, cochineal or carminic acid. In fact, however, they are nothing but dried and crushed beetles. The lice first die by drowning in hot water. Then follows the drying process and finally these are ground into powder. Red powder that is used in many red beauty products.

And cochineal is not only used in beauty products:you can also find this substance in sweets, cookies such as pink cake, but also M&Ms and juices. Anyone who has something against insects can really get the creeps from this…

6. Snail gel used in beauty products

We will stay with the use of animals for making beauty products for a while. We arrive at something that many garden enthusiasts would rather not see in their garden:the snail. It is used in making various beauty products. Seems to be good against acne, scars and wrinkles, among other things.

7. Bullseed in shampoo

No, this is not a joke, but seriously! Bull seed is used in the production of certain beauty products. It seems to give every type of hair just that little bit of extra shine, which has been achieved with no other product so far. To reassure you:it is mixed with other ingredients!

Imagine walking with the product in your hair along a meadow with all kinds of willing cows that can smell the semen… No, a British hairdresser has thought about that:the smell is completely neutralized and the shampoo is enriched with another , nice smell.

8. Human foreskin used in beauty products

Now it gets really bizarre, because the human foreskin is also used in beauty products. Especially for people who want a radiant and young (wrinkle-free) skin without botox. Incidentally, the foreskin has been used for years for the treatment of severe burns to allow new skin to grow. However, it has now also been discovered by the beauty industry, which uses this bizarre ingredient in various products.

9. Urea (Urine) an organic product

Those who want even more bizarre will enjoy the following. Urea, an organic product obtained from urine (from humans and animals), is widely used to make antiperspirants, moisturizers, mouthwashes, deodorants and even shampoos. Urea absorbs water and has vitamins A, D, E and K. For people who are already scared:the beauty industry nowadays uses synthetic urea instead of urea obtained from, for example, horse urine. So that's not too bad...

10. Placenta, the natural botox!

It probably won't come as a surprise to many, but for those who didn't know yet:the placenta is added to many beauty products. The placenta, that is for humans, is an ingredient that, just like the foreskin, ensures a radiant and wrinkle-free skin, thanks to the hormones. There are even entire companies specializing in making beauty products with placentas.

Plus:it is a natural product and will therefore cause few problems for your skin. Downside:often these care products are a bit on the expensive side, but hey, at least better than botox!

Did you know these 10 bizarre ingredients in beauty products? Which one scared you the most or would you never want to use?