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5x beauty saving tips

5x beauty saving tips

Budget products do not have to be cheaper in the end and you can also be more economical with the stuff you have. Read our five tips to save on beauty.

(Don't) switch to budget products
If you want or need to save on your care products, you may be inclined to exchange all your fine (perhaps somewhat pricey) products for a budget variant. Be aware that this does not necessarily equate to saving. If you don't like the budget variant, you'll end up not using it and end up spending more money in the long run.

Determine what matters to you
Which products work wonders for you? Maybe it doesn't matter which shampoo you use, but the conditioner really makes the difference. In that case, invest in a fine conditioner and opt for a cheap shampoo.

Use more natural products
Some natural products are very suitable to use in your beauty routine. Coconut oil is one such example. You can get huge jars at the toko and you can make a scrub out of it, for example, or use it as shaving oil.

Buy on sale
Pay attention to the offers. It is best to keep a few jars of the cream that you have been loyal to for years.

Be careful with what you have
One of the best ways to save is to be frugal with the products you have. You only need a small drop of shampoo to clean your hair. Cut open tubes to use the last bits and scrape the last bits of lipstick from the tube with a cotton swab.

Do you have any tips for cutting back on your beauty products?