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Does the ideal “morning routine” exist?

In recent years, you have seen many testimonials from celebrities to tell you about their morning routine . What could be more normal than framing certain moments in order to better organize yourself while having more fun? This is why we have already talked about useful rituals concerning sports practice. These habits play positive roles , even in many areas that you do not suspect. Thus, professionals in the poker world must put in place many demanding rituals to achieve their goals.

Does the ideal “morning routine” exist?

Writing early in the morning will help you organize your day better.

The Miracle Morning as a new starting point

Today, it is perhaps the routine that has revived this trend that we are going to talk about, the famous morning routine . A little historical reminder. This morning routine began to become more popular thanks to Hal Elrod's book, The Miracle Morning . This book, which codifies your functioning upon waking through 6 key principles, was a world bestseller and has its origins in the desire of its author to have a better quality of life . Or more simply to spend happy days. These first hours are therefore there to set up a base that will allow you to be serene all day.

For some time, other concepts have emerged. But before practicing, you obviously have to reason: what is your goal ?

Have a moment to yourself in the morning and take the time to do what you love?

Wake up gently and allow you to have maximum energy during the day?

Be more organized in order to carry out the maximum number of tasks; and not be thus at the mercy of the time which passes too quickly?

Depending on your goals, certain rituals will be more or less suitable.

Meditation, writing, reading, sport, waking up at dawn… Each one has their own choice.

Does the ideal “morning routine” exist?

Taking your time to enjoy your coffee is an equally satisfying solution.

Morning Routine – What to do when you get up in the morning?

Here is a non-exhaustive list of different existing rituals for your Morning Routine !

Waking up between 5 and 6 a.m. :very common example, it will often allow you to enjoy a moment just for you. And waking up with the first rays of the sun would have therapeutic benefits on morale.

A moment to read :no need to devote a lot of time to this brain activity, between 20 and 30 min is enough . It's about clearing your mind or indulging in one of your favorite activities.

A sports session :While it is obviously complicated to get out of bed to continue on cladding or a few kilometers of running, most people who do this are generally more energetic for the rest of your day.

A moment to write :everything depends on your profession and your occupations. You can write your diary in the morning to banish your dark thoughts from the day before, or simply to prepare for your day by doing your To Do that will make you more productive.

A meditation session :we live in a world in constant motion, constantly solicited by our telephones, computers, friends, hobbies... A few minutes to clear our minds. This should allow you to have this little moment of calm in order to have a positive success in your day.

If you prefer to take your time in the morning and take nearly two hours to enjoy your breakfast; wake up gently and get ready for your next outing, just do it.

There is no morning routine unique that would be perfect for all women and men in this world. It's up to you to fill your pickings which could allow you to better achieve your goals through a personal and adapted morning routine.