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Black Friday Green 2021:our commitments

This year again, Black Friday will be Green at NUOO.

Because we are growing and our commitments are always going further, because we believe that change starts with you, actors &actresses of consumption, let's make Black Friday a smarter and more responsible event.

A Green &committed Black Friday

Through our commitment, we seek to bring about a change of mentality in the purchasing behavior of consumers by promoting more reasoned consumption, respectful of Nature, of the Living, of the Human.

At NUOO, we embody the values ​​of naturalness, ethics, respect for the environment and body through products &organic and natural beauty brands that we select, our zero waste commitments or the support of causes that are dear to us such as Pink October, the fight against plastic or reforestation .

The Black Friday Green of 2021:the support of Reforest'action

Indeed, throughout Black Friday , we will support Reforestaction with a target of 2000 trees planted, in Tanzania and Peru, because this is where the healing of our Planet begins and safeguarding all ecosystems.

The principle ? An e-shop order:1 tree planted in Tanzania or Peru. Once your order has been placed, you will receive a code to go "plant" on our Reforestaction page here.

In 2020, therefore, and on the occasion of Black Friday, we will commit through our reforestation campaign and within the Black For Good collective, bringing together more than a hundred brands. Our objective ? Empower the consumer and encourage them to do good by allowing them to make a donation during the Black Friday period.

Find our goal of planting trees and participate in our environmental conservation project!

Our vision of Black Friday Green

We have chosen this year again not to incriminate or make the consumer feel guilty, by trusting them. We prefer a non-judgmental approach that allows everyone to engage during this period for a civic or environmental cause .

Every day at NUOO, we provide access to healthy, natural, ethical products, designed and designed by committed brands . We will continue to do so and to democratize organic and clean beauty, because it is the best way to return to natural beauty.

NUOO helps you get involved

Indeed, we give you everything you need to make an eco-responsible gesture . Unity is strength, which is why we need you to move forward in our projects to protect the planet ! Buy a cosmetic product at NUOO is already an eco-responsible gesture, today you have the opportunity to go further by helping us to plant forests!

Together, let's revolutionize beauty, let's change things.

naturally yours
The NUOO Green Team