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Private sales, black friday, sales... When to get the best deals?

As long as you want to stay at the forefront of trends all year round during, the shopping budget to plan can quickly become substantial or even downright unmanageable. It is true that the perpetual turnover of collections, sometimes several times a season, is enough to give bankers cold sweats and a slight but constant feeling of frustration to all those who, reminded by their sense of responsibility (and their instinct for survival ), decide that in the end it's better to pay the rent than that new plaid coat, even though it's obviously a must-have of the moment.

But never mind, some good habits and Sioux tips will allow you to reconcile love of trends and love of a roof over your head. We take stock of private sales, black friday and other sales and, above all, when to get the best deals ?

Private sales:slashed prices for a lucky few

The principle of private sales is simple:lower prices (sometimes drastically) for a few customers (those who have an account in general) and on a generally fairly limited stock.

When to shop at private sales?

Today, most brands of ready-to-wear, lingerie, accessories or shoes offer their own private sales several times a year, over one or more days depending on the case.

If they are quite rare in physical stores, private sales are however legion on the net where you can shop almost all year round at bargain prices .

How to do it?

We advise you to subscribe to one (or more) multi-brand e-shop(s) such as Zalando Privé , just to have access to all your favorite brands at the same time. It is also more productive to limit the number of brands or e-shops to which you subscribe, otherwise you will be overwhelmed with emails and miss out on good opportunities, drowned in the mass of marketing communications.

What are we buying?

Private sales are generally an opportunity to buy pieces for which you don't usually have the budget. For example, it's the perfect time to go for an ultra-trendy, well-cut and good-quality The Kooples jacket for a look that's in tune with the times and within your budget.

The sales:the end of the season meeting

A great classic of the genre, the sales have lost some of the enthusiasm they generated with the development of online commerce but remain, despite everything, an unmissable event at the end of the season .

How to make the most of the sales?

For effective and productive in-store sales, it is better to hit the shops on a less crowded day and already have a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for. Those who prefer to avoid crowds will be delighted by online sales , even if the wait for the package sometimes seems endless compared to the joy of making a small parade homemade back from a day of sales shopping.

What do we buy on sale?

Beautiful pieces for next year! The sales being an opportunity for merchants to sell off the stocks of the seasons that are coming to an end, they are perfect for buying beautiful pieces for the following year , for example a coat on sale for the following winter or a pretty bohemian dress for the return of the next sunny days. The idea is, preferably, to bet on timeless items that will still be trendy next year .

You can also fall for a favourite:it's the perfect opportunity to be fashionable without breaking the bank!

Short-term promotions

Black Friday, back-to-school promotion, flash sales... Many short-term promotions are offered by most brands throughout the year . It is their very short duration, barely a few days or even just 24 hours, which differentiates them from classic sales.

How to enjoy it?

No secret to taking advantage of the exceptional promotions, you have to be part of the network! Brands or platforms send an email, a notification or an SMS to warn their customers of the launch of a promotion on a particular product (or on all products, but this is rare).

There are usually several promotions per year and per store, which ultimately makes it possible to do good business all year round .

What do we buy on sale?

Black Friday type promotions are perfect both for impulse purchases and for more carefully considered purchases. The main thing is to avoid purchases you will regret , so take the time to think about the usefulness of a part, buying to buy has never saved money !

Not to mention the second hand!

To conclude, remember that the second hand allows you to do good business all year round , often on designer pieces, while taking care of our planet! Also remember to resell or donate the clothes you no longer wear to supply thrift stores and other second-hand dressing rooms.