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Perspiration:9 grandmother's remedies against bad odors!

Have you ever had that moment when you wondered if you smelled ? If those around you didn't dare tell you anything, it's because these little inconveniences can happen to anyone. To avoid these moments of embarrassment, you are not powerless and there are even tips completely natural to reduce bad body odor caused by perspiration .

Light perfume or bad smell?

It's completely normal to have a smell . A light scent is not something you need to worry about and it is part of our own characteristics (yes, own…) just like our physical particularities. Genetics , bacteria that your skin attracts, your health overall but also your hygiene your personal odor all have an influence on your signature smell.

But if your sweet body odor is added to a workout, a race to catch the bus or an interview that puts you in all your states, the sweat may leave traces and the olfactory cocktail promises to be explosive. Because in addition to sport, stress, ovulation, sexual arousal and anger can wake up the sweat and bad smell production glands at high speed.

How to reduce bad sweat odors

The fantasy of the sportsman all dripping with sweat and with a very pronounced male smell only lasts for a while. The truth is that we prefer a sweet smell to a perfume made in sweat that stings the nose.

The sweat itself isodourless . But when the bacteria living on your skin mixes with the sweat, they multiply quickly and that's where the bad odors are felt.

We are not teaching you anything by telling you that taking a shower is essential to eliminate sweat and get rid of some of the bacteria in your skin.
In addition to this, there are natural tips to reduce the moisture in your body and the bacteria responsible for the bad smell of sweat. The lemon , essential in a beauty routine to take care of yourself, modifies the pH level of your skin and unfortunately, the poor bacteria hardly survive in a very acidic environment. Note also baking soda or cider vinegar to apply directly to the affected areas. Food-wise, what you eat affects your body odor. Don't skimp on leafy green vegetables, which are rich in chlorophyll which acts as a powerful natural deodorant.

For the rest of these natural tips that help reduce bad body odor, we leave you our slideshow!

Also read:

Perspiration cleaning:9 tips for removing yellow stains from a white t-shirt

Foot sweat:9 formidable natural tips to get rid of it and eliminate bad odors