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Homemade armpit mask

Beauty masks are everywhere:for the face, nose, lips, hands, feet, hair and now even for the armpits. It's Instagram's new fad! We have to be honest, we didn't see it coming. It was a healthy blogger, Lee Tilghman, who decided to develop a homemade underarm mask. An alternative to supermarket products that she finds too harmful. The idea may seem strange but it has many benefits.

The goal ? Have soft skin, reduce odors and rashes (caused by deodorants and shaving) and eliminate all traces of product applied to this area. Something to be tempted and no longer leave your armpits aside during your cocooning moments.

How to make this mask? Here are the instructions:you need bentonite clay (2 tablespoons), filtered water (3 to 4 tablespoons), a ceramic bowl and a wooden spoon. Mix everything, then apply the preparation to your armpits for a good ten minutes. Finally, rinse with water. The influencer advises repeating the operation several times a week.

Results ? Her followers loved it. His post garnered more than 7,000 likes and nearly 300 comments. The recipe is so simple that it just begs to be made!