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2 applications to learn more about cosmetic care

The internet is a great source of information, provided you use it well. On Wikipedia, there is raw information on molecules, from their discovery to their role (but not only in cosmetics), including their composition. It's a good start, but you can quickly be lost, because the subject is scientific and not necessarily popularized. Two sources provide much more information:Noteo* and EWG Skin Deep**.

• Noteo classifies consumer products, including cosmetics (with the most well-known brands), according to criteria of health, respect for the environment, labor rights and (social) ethics and budget. It assigns them an overall score + a score for each criterion. It's interesting, because we discover that some products have a great rating in terms of health, but a less good social aspect. Good to know:the database has not been updated for several months, the information is only valid for older products.

• EWG Skin Deep is a veritable encyclopedia:you enter the name of any active ingredient (we've tried plenty of them!) and you come across its information sheet, which mentions the health risks, the function of the active, its synonyms and the scientific publications that mention it. It's quite technical but we couldn't find more complete!

Thanks to Lionel de Benetti, cosmetologist and Kiehl’s consultant, and to Cyrille Telinge, founder of Novexpert.