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The Clarins Prize celebrates its 20th anniversary and rewards Laeticia Hallyday

20 years already! It was indeed in 1997 that the Clarins Prize was created (it does not make us any younger!). Its goal ? Rewarding women who work for the protection of children around the world, whether they are malnourished, poorly housed, mistreated or poorly educated. How to explain Clarins' commitment? The brand is very attached to nature and beauty in its generous appearance. “When we protect nature, we protect the future. And the future is our children,” explains Christian Courtin-Clarins. If the price was originally French, it is now available in 14 countries (on 4 continents). In 2017, Laeticia Hallyday was rewarded for her humanitarian commitment:UNICEF ambassador, she created in 2012 with Hélène Darroze the association La Bonne Étoile, which watches over the children of Vietnam. Now, Laeticia Hallyday wants to expand the scope of her association beyond the borders of Vietnam, and more specifically in France. Thus, in December 2016, the first projects in partnership with the association La Voix de l’Enfant were born. And that's just the beginning...

A generosity to share

Each year, Clarins offers the winner 45,000 euros, which represents a huge boost for its association. And Clarins' support does not stop after one year:the winners of previous years each receive 15,000 euros. For 2 years, the brand has offered all women the opportunity to support the Clarins Prize via limited edition products, part of the profits of which is donated to the highlighted associations. For the 20th anniversary of the Prize, not one but two products are on offer:the Joli Baume Éclat du Jour, a coral-tinted lip balm that adapts to the pH of the lips (€15) and the Skin Illusion Blush, a rosy blush that instantly gives you a healthy glow (€20). On the packaging of the two products, we find the drawing of Srey Phea Run, a Cambodian schoolgirl helped by the association Tous à l'École by Tina Kieffer (2014 winner of the Clarins Prize).

Beautiful products and a great commitment... we are bound to fall for it! Well done Clarins!