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Essential oils:10 remedies to regain energy, libido, morale...

1- Get energized:mix 1 drop of Mint + 4 drops of Lemon in a diffuser, 10 minutes in the morning, before leaving.

2- Relax:5 drops of Sweet Orange + 5 g. of True Lavender, to diffuse for 20 minutes in the living room.

3- Cheer up:in case of blues, diffuse Lemon Litsée morning and evening, 10 drops (=20 minutes). You can add a drop of Lemon Verbena under the tongue, morning and evening.

4- To surpass oneself:just before an appointment which asks "to send the wood", we call on the Laurel Noble, the oil of the winner. We put 2 drops on the veins of the wrists, before massaging them together and then breathing them in.

5- Treat your cold:mix 5 drops of Eucalyptus Radié (anti-bacterial for the throat, nose, bronchi + 5 g. of Ravensara (the best anti-viral essential oil) and diffuse for 20 minutes at home , in the office, in the car, morning and evening. Perfect in times of epidemics.

6- Fall asleep effortlessly:sniff Noble Chamomile from the bottle by taking 4 or 5 deep breaths. And less than 10 minutes later, you're already sleeping like a baby... If you wake up in the middle of the night, you avoid turning on the light and you inhale again 1 or 2 times the bottle.

7- Awaken your libido:apply 2 drops of Damask Rose to the wrists and solar plexus. And if you want to boost your lover's desire, you can do the same with Ylang-Ylang essential oil.

8- Calm your urges:just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to comfort yourself by eating (drinking, smoking) more... If you're addicted, you can smell the Exotic Basil in the bottle every time that we are about to crack.

9- Concentrate:more want to hibernate than to work? As soon as intellectual fatigue sets in, diffuse 2 drops of Peppermint + 8 drops of Lemon.

10- Shooting a ball of stress:do you feel it rising in your throat? Quickly, we apply 2 drops of Marjoram on the solar plexus, we open the window if we are inside and we breathe deeply. The action is instantaneous.

*Note:during pregnancy, these essential oils can be used by air. But we will avoid the oral route.

More information on the Danielle Festy website