Want to lose weight naturally?
Do you know that some essential oils are valuable in helping you lose weight easily?
Inhaled, massaged or incorporated into a balanced diet, essential oils can help you lose weight naturally .
Now let's see together the 5 best essential oils to lose weight naturally . Watch:
Lemon essential oil has detoxifying and regenerating properties.
It is a powerful and effective weapon for losing weight.
Why ? Because it is composed of limonene which has antioxidant and decongestant properties.
This allows it to act on the release of bile to the intestine and improve the functioning of the liver.
It also accelerates the breakdown of fat.
It destocks fat, accelerates drainage and eliminates cellulite.
In addition, it provides a good dose of vitamin C and rejuvenates the skin.
You can drink 2 drops of lemon essential oil in a glass of water every morning to enjoy its benefits.
Or you can also put one or two drops under the soles of the feet to enjoy its benefits.
Grapefruit essential oil has been known to have slimming properties for a very long time.
It promotes weight loss by acting on blood sugar, appetite and the elimination of fat.
It's the deadly enemy of cellulite!
The best way to use it is to mix it with a vegetable oil (sweet almond oil for example).
Then massage the affected areas to improve blood circulation and the lymphatic system.
Peppermint essential oil cleanses the lymphatic system
It is also anti-inflammatory.
Using peppermint essential oil will help you improve a little sluggish digestion.
It facilitates digestion and acts on bloating or gas. Perfect for getting a flatter tummy!
It also limits acid reflux.
It is composed of menthone, a natural active ingredient which drains the liver, develops the secretion of bile and its evacuation in the intestine.
You can take 2 drops of peppermint essential oil 3 to 4 times a day on a neutral tablet.
Please note that there are strong contraindications to the use of peppermint essential oil (see below)
Please note that it should not be used in case of severe liver problems, cholelithiasis or inflammation of the gallbladder.
People with cardiovascular problems, pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 6 years old should not use it.
Rosemary essential oil is an excellent detoxifier .
It acts on the liver by improving the regeneration of its cells.
It also accelerates the decomposition of fats, which allows easier evacuation in the blood.
It can be taken orally.
Put a drop in a spoonful of honey, for example. Then let the honey melt in your mouth.
You can take this remedy 3 times a day, but do not exceed one week of treatment.
You can also simply smell the rosemary essential oil for 5 min.
You can also put a drop on the handles if you feel stressed during the day.
The good news is that it has the effect of reducing cortisol levels .
As a result, stress is reduced... just like our waistline!
A very appreciable two-in-one effect!
Please note that rosemary essential oil is not recommended for people with asthma.
It is also prohibited for people who have a hormone-dependent cancer pathology.
Ginger essential oil has many beneficial effects for the stomach.
It is often used to help digestion , soothe nausea or eliminate motion sickness.
But it is also very effective in cleansing the liver , balance blood sugar and improve metabolism.
It's the gingerols in ginger that do all the work!
They facilitate the absorption of vitamins and minerals and they limit uncontrolled cravings for sweets!
On a daily basis, you can put a few drops in your cooked dishes.
There you go, you now know these effective essential oils that help you find the line :-)
So certainly, do not expect a spectacular weight loss in 1 week or 15 days.
You guessed it...
It will also be necessary to adopt a balanced diet and to have regular physical activity.
Walking, for example, is acclaimed for its benefits on the silhouette!
But you can also set yourself a more ambitious sporting challenge with a program to do at home.
Goal:to have concrete abs and thighs and buttocks of steel!
And so, you will lose weight quickly and above all sustainably .
These essential oils have detoxifying properties .
They stimulate the metabolism and help eliminate toxins and waste from the body.
They can also have an appetite suppressant effect for some of them.
They will also improve intestinal transit and digestion.
In addition, in massage, they can improve the appearance of the skin and have a firming action.
They thus facilitate the drainage and elimination of cellulite and orange peel skin.
Essential oils are active and powerful natural ingredients.
Misused, they can be dangerous .
This is why we recommend that you always consult a specialist before using essential oils.
A doctor, a pharmacist, a naturopath, an aromatherapist will advise you effectively.
We also invite you to read the essential precautions for use.
Note that they are generally not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies and children.
Note that some oils have a photosensitizing effect. Avoid exposing yourself to the sun after use.
Also avoid putting them in contact with mucous membranes, genitals or wounds.
Some essential oils are also formally not recommended for sick people.
For example, people who have had a history of personal or family hormone-dependent cancers, people with kidney or liver failure...
I insist on this point:ask a health professional before using them to be sure that there are no medical contraindications .