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5 reasons to have jewelry made by a goldsmith

Jewelry gives every outfit that little bit extra. A simple outfit becomes just that little bit more special with beautiful earrings and a bare neckline cheers you up with a beautiful necklace. If you want to be able to vary a lot, jewelry from the jeweler may be a bit pricey. Do you want to invest in jewelry that will last a lifetime? Then it is best to have them made by the goldsmith, such as Jeweler Jos.

1. High quality
Jewelry made by the goldsmith is of high quality. Goldsmithing is still a real craft, but one that moves with the times. The base of the jewelry is made with machines, after which the goldsmith further finishes the jewelry by hand. No detail is missed and only when the piece of jewelry is completely correct, it goes to the wearer. Due to the high quality, the jewelry will last a long time, and you will enjoy it a lot. Has the jewelery suffered some signs of wear over time? Then you can go to the goldsmith to clean and polish the jewelry. If necessary, stones are reinserted or locks replaced.

5 reasons to have jewelry made by a goldsmith

2. Sustainable and fair
Because a piece of jewelry is of high quality, it lasts a long time. That alone ensures that a piece of jewelry is very durable. What also makes the jewelry sustainable and fair is that most goldsmiths work with recycled gold and silver. In the unlikely event that they do not have this available, they use metal that has been mined in a fair way. In this way, they do not contribute to the bad conditions in gold mines, for example. Finally, the jewelry is made by the jeweler himself and not in a factory under bad conditions.

3. Personal and unique
Because a piece of jewelry is made especially for you by a goldsmith, it is a very personal and unique piece of jewelry. It can be in a special design that you have made together or in the use of certain stones. Engravings can often also be placed in a piece of jewelry. That also makes it very unique. A personal piece of jewelry made by a jeweler can also be very suitable as a memorial jewelry or as an ashes jewelry.

4. Preserving value
Jewelry made from gold or silver by a goldsmith will retain its value forever. In the case of gold, the value will probably only increase. This means that a piece of jewelry from the jeweler is also a good investment for later. By preserving value and the quality of a piece of jewelry, it will also do well as an heirloom later on.

5 reasons to have jewelry made by a goldsmith

5. Good advice
A goldsmith can give advice in many areas. Are you unsure about which piece of jewelry suits you? Which metal to choose? Which stones do you want to put in the jewelry? The jeweler knows what to do! You can schedule an appointment to discuss your ideas and doubts. Often there are also enough jewelry at the jeweler that you can try on to know even better what you do and don't want. Have you chosen your jewelry and is it ready? The jeweler will be happy to explain to you how to maintain it. This way the jewelry stays good for a long time and you don't have to have your jewelry repaired as quickly. Already have a piece of jewelry made and do you still want to make an adjustment, or do you want to have something repaired on the jewelry? A goldsmith can also advise you well in this regard.

So you see that there are many reasons to have a piece of jewelry made by a goldsmith. It often costs a bit more than with other businesses, but you will enjoy it for a long time. Which piece of jewelry would you like to have made?