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Prohibited substances in jewelry

When you buy jewelry, you look for the items that you like and that suit your style. You assume that what you buy is good, and you probably don't think that there may also be banned substances in the jewelry. Unfortunately, a large number of items for sale in Europe still contain banned, harmful substances.

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) investigated the extent to which products sold in Europe comply with REACH legislation – REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals. This determines, among other things, which substances may be used by companies and which cannot. For example, 12 percent cadmium was found in jewelry. Cadmium is a heavy metal that is very toxic. It is carcinogenic and dangerous for the kidneys. Cadmium, like hexavalent chromium, is used for coloring. Chromium is also carcinogenic.

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has also investigated, in accordance with REACH legislation, whether jewelery sold in the Netherlands meets the safety requirements. That is not always the case. More than a fifth (24 out of 113) of the necklaces and earrings examined contains too much cadmium, lead or nickel. The sale of jewelry containing too many heavy metals is prohibited. Sometimes the excess was so great that the NVWA advises against wearing it. The examined jewelery was offered at the usual sales places such as department stores, clothing stores, drugstores and jewelery shops.

What are the risks?
For cadmium, lead and nickel release, the restrictive conditions are set out in the European Regulation REACH. The restrictions aim to reduce the overall exposure of consumers to these metals. Consumers come into contact with these metals through food and living environment; any additional source of exposure such as through jewelry should be avoided as much as possible.

Cadmium is a cumulative toxic substance because it accumulates in the organs. When the concentration becomes too high, it can damage the functioning of the kidneys, among other things. Both adults and children are exposed to cadmium in jewelry through contact with the skin or by sucking it.

Lead can harm fertility. Lead can be present in breast milk through absorption into the woman's body. In addition, children can be exposed to lead through their sucking behavior. Lead exposure can cause severe, irreversible neurological effects on behavior and development.

Most cases of nickel allergy are caused by skin contact with metal products such as earrings, jewelry and buttons. Nickel causes, among other things, allergic contact dermatitis; an inflammatory reaction of the skin. Once a person is allergic to nickel, a small amount of nickel is enough to cause skin complaints.

What can you do?
It is better to choose jewelry of better quality and from reliable brands. For example, these rings from buddha to buddha at You can also always exercise the right to information, which is also part of the REACH legislation. Anyone can ask manufacturers whether there are potentially harmful substances in their products. Manufacturers are obliged to answer.