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What fashion did our grandmother wear but we don't anymore?

Fashion has of course changed a lot since 1900 and we have already experienced several fashion revolutions in that period of more than 100 years. The length of the skirts has changed drastically from long to short and back to everything in between. The funny thing is that garments that are really stylish are still worn. According to the website Discount Box, Chanel's little black dress is unabatedly popular. Can you imagine the 90th anniversary of the little black dress being celebrated in 2016? Coco Chanel had an unmatched foresight in style and fashion.

Below is a list of items of clothing that are hard to find in today's fashion.

1. A long skirt with queue
Can you see yourself running through everyday life with a queue? That extra bump on the derriere! That was the buttock booster from 120 years ago. Run to the train with your long skirt, and bump people left and right with your extra behind. And you had no choice but a long skirt, because the pants for women at that time were mainly an immoral idea. Dresses became a lot more practical in the 1920s.
What fashion did our grandmother wear but we don t anymore?
“1920” (CC BY 2.0) by in pastel

2. The corset
A waisted corset was an inevitable part of fashion 100 years ago. Thank goodness other formative underwear has been invented these days, which are considerably more comfortable to wear.

3. The underskirt
In the 1900s, and well into the 1960s, an underskirt was standard equipment for women's clothing. It used to be a lot of skirts but in later years a thin underskirt was worn to prevent your skirt from showing through, or becoming static and sticking to your legs.

4. The parasol
A lady should be lily-white in her face at all times, so not that popular brown, let alone the dreaded freckles. This was what the umbrella was for, to always keep your face in the shade.

5. Hat and gloves
100 years ago as a lady you were not dressed to appear in public without a hat and gloves. These accessories also belonged together. Hat without gloves was not possible. This was also the case until the 1950s, when women's fashion had much more decorum for special occasions.
What fashion did our grandmother wear but we don t anymore?
“Fall Gabardine – Flannel – Tweed 1950” (CC BY 2.0) by Nesster

6. The hatpin
In line with the hat:the hatpin. Without this handy attachment, you wouldn't be able to keep your hat on your head in all weather conditions. Especially with hats that you have to wear coquettishly on your head, you need the hat pin, often beautifully decorated with stones, ivory (when that was still possible) or crystals.

7. Everything handmade
The clothes for the ladies were sewn by hand by seamstresses, and also tailor-made for real ladies. The concept of haute couture was still young, but a good tailor and seamstress were worth their weight in gold. A perfect cut and the use of beautiful fabrics made the garments stand out even better. All decorations such as beads, ribbons, lace and embroidery were of course also attached by hand. In this way, minor cosmetic flaws could easily be covered up. You can find beautiful vintage patterns online. If you are handy, you can make an elegant black dress from the past by yourself. Handmade clothing seems great to me, but I can do without all other clothing and accessories. Now that women are much more active in everyday life, fashion has adapted to more practical clothing.

Top photo “steppinout” (CC BY 2.0) by dancer Dallagio