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Curly hair:9 essential products for cannon curls!

Everyone envies you your mane (and you envy your straight hair, it's well known) and for good reason. Curly hair have always fascinated as much as they make life difficult for those who own them. curly hair , we love. But we know their fragility and how important it is to have a routine in which you have to be very rigorous. You were lucky enough to inherit curly hair ? You have also inherited a treasure which must be taken care of constantly. Indeed, curly hair is more fragile than straight hair and tends, for example, to be drier.

The importance of curly hair maintenance

And nature is not on your side either. A little rain or a little humidity and the frizz point the tip of their nose as quickly, when you had decided to e style this morning. It's infuriating, we grant you. So, more often than not, you tie them up or straighten them. And that's the tragedy. In this way, you damage them and find beautiful curls turns out to be an (almost) impossible mission. But that was without counting on the hair products specially designed for you but also the masks to make and make at home. Many solutions exist to take care of of your pretty curls.