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Care of underwear:the complete guide to properly washing your lingerie

When it comes to our underwear, we tend to put them in the washing machine quickly to wash them. If we still separate the colors, we generally do not pay very much attention to the way in which we maintain them. But it's like everything, our lingerie must be meticulously washed if you want to keep it for as long as possible. Above all, let's not forget, but each piece can be of a different material, and therefore requires very special care. Don't panic, we give you the complete guide to wash your lingerie properly.

Underwear care:how often to wash your bra

We have to admit, unlike our panties, we don't wash ourbra everyday. We even wear it 2 to 3 times before doing it. Yet, according to Jené Luciani , the Australian author of The Bra Book it should be washed after each use. "Your bra accumulates significant amounts of sweat, dirt and various elements from the air. This can affect its longevity by damaging its elasticity if worn multiple times “, reports the specialist. However, Good Housekeeping fabric expert Lexie Sachs however, the frequency of washing is nuanced. For her, it is above all necessary to proceed according to the physical activity carried out during the day. Clearly, after a sports session, it's machine, but after a day on the couch, you can postpone it.

Underwear care:how to machine wash them

If you want to spend yourunderwear machine, there are a few rules to follow. You can't just wash them. It all starts with the choice of detergent . Opt for a fairly mild detergent special for delicate linen or Marseille soap, and always select the delicate programme, at 30°C. Wash your underwear at too high a temperature will only damage them. Also, remember to staple your bras and slip them into a washing net. On the drying side, we will avoid the dryer. This allows us to keep the shape, colors and elasticity of the underwear. On the other hand, we will prefer drying in the open air and in the shade , without using a clothespin.

Care of underwear:how to wash them by hand

If you really want to take care of your lingerie and you assure that it will live a very long time by your side, there is nothing better than hand washing . This allows better sorting of colors and avoids any unwanted incident. To do this, we soak our underwear in a basin of water at less than 30° for 5 minutes. Then, gently rub and soap your lingerie with detergent or soap. For rinsing, alternate between lukewarm and cold water. When drying, do not go too hard on the spin cycle. You risk damaging your underwear. Then dry your lingerie flat or on a bath towel that will absorb water.