Primark and bloggers, they seem to be intertwined. I hardly come across a blog that doesn't write about the Primark and what beautiful clothes they sell there at low prices. A 'fashionista thing'.
SO! I can't stay behind, can I? Or is it? My blog is about the Primark, but not about all those 'fantastic' clothes you can get there. Because to be honest… don't you get a bad taste in your mouth from those prices? You feel in your water that that is not okay?
What do the primark, bloggers, ethics, and advertising code have in common? I'll tell you. All those blogs that write (preferably repeatedly) about the Primark also write about the advertising code. Or they don't write about it, but they shout about it very loudly. In blogger land it is currently HOT to talk about the advertising code. How important it is and how other bloggers wouldn't stick to it. Slacking off, kicking the sore leg, or letting other bloggers go overboard, that's what 'we' deal with. It is the order of the day. And the bigger bloggers are the Sjaak.
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Because that's how it often goes. Bloggers who start small get bigger. As they get older, they become aware of what's happening in blogger land and the ethics you "should" adhere to. Fine right? One learns by doing I would say. But as they grow, these bloggers suddenly become targets of other bloggers (often the smaller ones, but I won't lump them all together). Bloggers who can no longer hide their jealousy, but apparently have to openly respond to it.
From 'she doesn't have an opinion anymore' to 'they will do anything for money' and from 'the content of the content is seriously deteriorating' to 'they don't even stick to the advertising code'. Oh yeah, and another thing I hear/read a lot… 'blogging is about passion, not about money'. AMMEHULA! Yes, blogging is about passion, that's probably how every blogger started. But if you've been blogging for years, and have also adjusted your mortgage to it, it's easy for someone else to talk. Then there must be money on the shelf, right? But no, that's not allowed, because earning too much money with something you also enjoy doing, apparently that's not supposed to be.
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Just for the record… not that you think I'm being addressed. Because a) I don't belong to the very big bloggers, b) I don't necessarily have to live on it and c) my elephant skin is already so thick that I write what I want. And you know what? If you don't like it, just don't read it. But it does annoy me, hence my epistle 😀 .
It's just striking that there are more and more noises of bloggers who don't know what they're doing anymore because they are practically razed to the ground. Unjust and unfair in my opinion.
Ge-ke-nau. I can't call it anything else. Leave each other alone and do your own thing. Especially if you write about Primark yourself, because don't break my mouth about advertising code or ethics! If you review Primark (and most likely sponsored too) then I personally think you may wonder how important ethics is to you now?
Because Primark and ethics don't go together, you understand that. And if you are still in doubt about that, a look at Rankabrand might be useful.