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The effect of an eyelid correction

Are you not completely satisfied with your appearance and do you feel younger on the inside than you look on the outside? Then there is a chance that you have considered a procedure such as an eyelid correction. You are certainly not alone! An eyelid correction is increasingly seen as normal.

Types of eyelid correction
There are different types of eyelid correction. For example, you have an upper eyelid correction, which is especially nice if you suffer from 'heavy' eyelids, which gives you a tired look. But you can also choose to have bags removed with injectables or by a lower eyelid correction. All options make you look fresher and less tired. It is best to let a specialist determine which form of eyelid correction suits you best. Every person is of course different and the required form of correction will therefore also differ.

The effects of an upper eyelid correction
Many people suffer from it at some point; a tired look through drooping eyelids. Not only do you look tired quickly, it can also cause headaches and reduce vision. It usually takes a week after the procedure before the first result is visible. After a week you will soon notice that the headaches diminish, and you start to get your fresh, awake look back.

The effects of removing puffiness with injectables
Everyone suffers from it after a short night:bags under the eyes. But if the bags are a permanent addition to your face, it can sometimes become very annoying. Even if you are not tired, you will quickly look tired. A correction in which the bags under the eyes are removed ensures that you look rested again quickly. The results of an eyelid correction with injectables are immediately visible and remain visible for an average of 12 months. After 12 months, it is wise to make a new appointment to have the bags injected again.

The effects of a lower eyelid correction
Just like bags under the eyes, the dark circles under the eyes can also make you look tired. Where this is only visible for some people after a short night, for others it is permanently present on the face. A lower eyelid correction works largely the same as the correction of the upper eyelid and is therefore often combined. The result is visible after about a week and is permanent. With a lower eyelid correction you are therefore permanently rid of bags and dark spots under your eyes and you look fresh every day!