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3 reasons why topless sunbathing is no longer possible for me

Topless sunbathing and brown breasts, who wouldn't want that? In any case, I think it's beautiful. Even brown and then white buttocks. Because of course you want to be able to see how brown you are!

That's how I used to think about it. The top came off with the first rays of sunshine! Whether I was in the garden, by the sea or at our local beach pool, it didn't matter to me! Not even whether I was with friends, a boyfriend or a large group. Get rid of those breasts! And yes, extensive rubbing on the beach was also part of that. I had no idea that others might find this weird, exciting, or just plain stupid. Even if I had realized it, I wouldn't care at the time.

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Topless sunbathing with perky breasts

At that time, topless tanning was still very common. Almost everyone did it and I was happy to participate. And not unimportant, my breasts were still standing proudly. Over the years, gravity has really started to count. The fact that two babies drank from it, of course, does not help the perkyness either! It's also not that my pride of the past hangs on my ankles now, but it just isn't as tight and sturdy as then.

I don't think that's an issue in itself. I am happy with my modest cup. Shirts and dresses have a nice fit, they are not heavy and my boyfriend loves them. When I stand naked in front of the mirror, I sometimes, very occasionally, think about having them hitchhiked. Still cool, those nice firm, full breasts. They don't have to be big, but just radiate a little more power. But when my mind wanders a bit further and I think about such an operation, I spontaneously get the jitters. In my healthy body no knife or needles. Just seeing a needle makes me almost pass out. So I'm actually quite satisfied. After all, I am over 40 and have fed two children!

Even if I don't need it anymore. I still think brown breasts are beautiful to see. But I still leave my top on and I have a number of reasons for that.

Why I  think topless sunbathing is no longer possible

One of those reasons has to do with my children.

My kids think topless is stupid, very stupid

Recently on the beach I told my little boys that I used to lie topless in the sun. Two mouths fell wide open! “But Mom, you haven't really been bare-breasted on a beach, have you? No mom, now you're kidding! If you do that now, we will never go swimming with you again”. Okay… Now I always go swimming with them instead of the other way around, but I don't want to embarrass them either. If I put myself in them, I wouldn't think it cool either.

I don't feel comfortable without a top

It feels so unnatural now to take off your top on the beach, that I just let it go. My body is not super tight or super slim either. I am a foodie, I like to eat well and I can pour a glass of wine every now and then. And sports, that's what I mainly watch 😉 .

That's why I don't fit in size 36, I like to take for granted. I don't mind strolling on the beach in a bikini, as long as I have my top on. So a thing of the past for topless sunbathing.

And last but not least…

Big brother is watching you

We didn't have this problem before, but gosh, I would hate to see my boobies appear somewhere on the web. I can already see it happening:A group of youth is sunbathing next to me and checking in on Facebook, with a nice photo of course. And there I am, in the background but fully in focus. In the most uncharming attitude ever. Well, I was just about to take something out of my bag, but I could only half reach it. Ass in the air, tits at half past ten. You suddenly become a hilarious hit on the internet. Colleagues, teachers and friends of the children are laughing their asses off.

Sure, it doesn't have to be that bad, but it would only happen to you with topless sunbathing.

Watching dicks

Now that the weather is nice, I regularly spend time in a bikini at our local beach. I've been coming here since I was a kid. Now when I sporadically see someone sunbathing topless, I think back to the past with great pleasure. By my beautiful brown breasts and how we pedaled with the pedal boat to the remote nudist beach. Secretly looking at breasts and cocks. History repeats itself because now my kids are doing this too! But oh dear, when their own mother goes naked with the breasts…..

I'll leave it that way. I am very happy with my white breasts, just like the rest of my family.

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