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This is why you want to use a day cream with SPF

After the dark months, we are all very ready for a good portion of vitamin D. As soon as the sun comes out, you want to immediately enjoy its rays. But do you remember to protect your face? As good as those sun rays are for your mental state, they can also do a lot of damage to your skin. Nivea shows you that it doesn't have to be difficult to make your skin sunproof. With a good day cream with SPF you are already well on your way!

A good start Radiant skin opens doors and that's why it's so important to give her what she needs. Because your skin is exposed to so many different factors every day (wind, cold, heat, sun, stress, etc.), it is extra important to start your day with a steady morning routine. The day cream you then use must nourish, moisturize and protect your skin against all those external influences.

An extra step
Because every skin type has different points of interest, there are an incredible number of different types of day creams. You can have dry or slightly oily skin. Even if your skin is a bit older, it still requires specific care. If you also really want to protect your skin, SPF is an indispensable ingredient in your day cream. Why? With a day cream with SPF, your skin is protected against UVA and UVB rays from the sun. And that is necessary, because the sun really does not only shine on a clear day. Despite a thick cloud cover or a spot under the parasol, your skin is still exposed to this dangerous radiation.

Sun Protection Factor So SPF. In fact, it is nothing more and nothing less than the well-known 'factor' that you put on when you use sunscreen or oil. The higher the factor, the better and longer you are protected. This is important, because those oh-so-fine but bright sun rays can not only burn your skin, but also dry it out. Your skin can then start to flake, clogging your pores and this can lead to skin problems. Moreover, with the necessary protection, you also keep your skin a lot younger. Harmful UV rays are one of the main causes of wrinkles and age spots.

In short… If you use a day cream with factor, you are already well on your way to protecting your skin from the sun. Note:SPF in day creams is generally lower and protects your skin from moderate sunlight, so it's ideal for every day. When the sun really shines, a day cream with SPF does not offer sufficient protection. Therefore, always use both a day cream and a sunscreen for the face. This way you enjoy the optimal portion of care and protection.