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Stricter rules for cosmetic procedures

Stricter rules for cosmetic procedures

The rules for cosmetic procedures should be stricter, according to Minister Edith Schippers of Public Health. Many people mistakenly think that it is all right if they see someone in a white coat.

Growing industry
More and more people are opting for treatments from an aesthetic point of view:they want to look more beautiful, but have no health reasons for choosing that treatment. The cosmetic industry is growing, but there are also a lot of 'gadgets' and Minister Schippers wants to protect people against that.

People must be protected by, among other things, new regulations:only authorized doctors and healthcare providers are allowed to place permanent wrinkle fillers, the same will probably apply to laser treatment. The quality of the practitioners must be improved.

Better information
In addition, people must be better informed about the risks of cosmetic procedures. For example, warnings are being considered for cosmetic television programs and there should be an age limit of 18 years for cosmetic procedures.

Do you agree that stricter rules are being introduced? | Image:Shutterstock