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Young girls don't have a good self-image

Young girls don t have a good self-image

Teenage girls' self-confidence is in bad shape. If you look back on your teenage years, you probably realize that there was no need to be so insecure. Yet three quarters of girls feel the pressure to be beautiful and that has a big impact on their self-confidence

Dove conducted worldwide research into the self-confidence of girls between the ages of 10 and 17.

Only 1 in 10 girls consider themselves beautiful. The pressure comes from themselves, but also from friends, society and (social) media. Many girls would like to change something about their appearance. 30 percent are satisfied.

Netherlands vs. the world
Dutch girls are also extremely critical about their appearance. Worldwide, 49 percent of girls say they are the most critical of themselves. In the Netherlands this is 72 percent, considerably more.

It's not just uncertainty. Globally, 60 percent stop doing activities they enjoy, such as going out, playing sports or going to school because of their insecurity. In the Netherlands this is 'only' 22 percent.

Boost confidence
Dove believes that beauty should be a source of confidence, not fear. The results of the research are the reason for continuing the Self Esteem program to improve girls' self-image.

Attention moms
Mothers play an especially important role in this, because the research shows that they strongly influence the self-image of their daughters. Half of the girls see their mother as a role model.

Dove developed workshop booklets especially for mothers and daughters to work together on a better self-image. You can download the booklet for free.

Have you developed a better self-image over the years?