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Beachwear for the coming warm days

The weather promises to be really nice after this week. Fortunately, because I'm ready for sun and warmth. So it's time to make your wardrobe summer-proof. That's possible with this nice beachwear for the coming warm days.

Easing of the measures lures people out

Now that more and more measures are being relaxed, more and more people are also daring to go outside. That's a good thing, because sitting inside all day doesn't make anyone happy. Well, hardly anyone, of course there are always exceptions. The weather is going in the right direction and even promises to be summery. That is also important, because we desperately need the sun and vitamin D after the long and dark winter months.

The beautiful weather combined with a relaxation of the measures makes it easier for people to go to the park and the beach again. It is important to observe sufficient distance, but that must be possible. After all, there is plenty of space and if we all adhere to the rules, it can only get better. Then everyone can enjoy being outside again, the sun and the heat.

Beachwear for the coming warm days

At the moment we still have to deal with cold nights (read night frost!) and temperatures that fluctuate between 12-16°C during the day. Not really nice weather, although the sun can be seen and felt more and more. Summer temperatures are expected from the weekend and especially the week after. And summer temperatures require adjustments to your wardrobe. Winter clothes can be put away and summer clothes can be brought out.

UK swimwear:more than just swimwear

Now you can of course opt for shorts and a simple T-shirt, but what could be nicer than trendy beachwear? If you are looking for trendy beachwear and swimwear, you will soon find UK swimwear. This webshop focuses on swimwear and beachwear for women.

In the range you will find absolutely everything you need for a day at the beach or in the pool. You can even wear these clothes in your backyard where you can enjoy your own pool. Put together a nice set from the mix and match bikini range or opt for a hip bathing suit. After swimming you can parade on the beach or boulevard with a nice sarong for over your bathing suit or bikini.

In the range of beachwear you can really find everything from pants to skirts. All equally airy and appropriate to the atmosphere and the warm weather. That way you don't have to completely change clothes. Just pull the sarong, kaftan or dress over your swimwear and you're ready to go again. Ideal for example to have a bite to eat or to enjoy a drink.

Warm days? I'm ready for it

I have already hinted several times that I am absolutely not a fan of the Dutch weather. That's just as fickle as, yes, the Dutch weather 😉 Did you think it's finally getting nice and warm, you suddenly get to hear that it's going to freeze. In fact, records are being broken because there has never been such an extreme freezing point this late in the year. No, I'm really done with it. By the way, I'm all set for beautiful summer days.

Since we were planning to go on holiday to a warm country in March, I had bought all kinds of nice clothes. A wonderfully sitting set, with which I could already see myself walking through the streets of Sal, Cape Verde. The red pants would come in handy after swimming in the pool or the sea. Wonderfully airy material, so despite the fact that it is long pants, not too warm. Also nice to combine with a T-shirt or a linen blouse. That last item of clothing is also nice and airy, so really ideal for when it cools down a bit in the evening, without getting really cold.

Now I have not only the above garments, but even more. My closet is actually geared towards warm weather, with various T-shirts, dresses and skirts (yes, I finally discovered these after 40 years hahaha). So it's good that it's finally going to be summer. I can finally wear my beautiful beachwear. These clothes come in very handy not only outdoors, but also in the garden.

Are you ready for the summer days that have been predicted or do you still need to supplement your wardrobe with summer items?