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Top 5 blog competition beautiful shoes

And then all of a sudden I'm in the top 5 blog competition beautiful shoes. In between all the migraine attacks last week, I saw an article by another blogger. A click on it taught me that it was a blogging contest. After first reading the blog, I became curious and decided to click through to the competition itself.

Blog Contest Beautiful Shoes

Immediately on the main page, it was indicated in large letters that a blogging contest was underway. So also clicked here and read the conditions. Of course I was also curious about the previous top 5 so I also took a closer look at this one.

And suddenly I had a genius (ahem!) idea. Because there had to be written about shoes (quite logical 😉

It just so happens that I have a sweet almost 16-year-old daughter who is not only fashion-minded, but also crazy about shoes. So I would dedicate a blog to her. In the end it became the following blog:Help! My daughter is addicted to… shoes 

Top 5 blog competition beautiful shoes.

The deadline for submitting your blog was last night. I knew I'd be told sometime this week if my story made it into the top 5. So when I unsuspectingly opened my mailbox today and saw that I was in the top 5, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Tips for you only went live at the end of November (although I must admit that I have been blogging and writing for much longer) and now I am in the top 5 of a great blogging competition with my story. My day can hardly go wrong.

Now it is up to the public which blog gets which place. Would you like to give me a hand? It won't take you 10 seconds 🙂

Then vote for Anja's story – Tips for you

I am very grateful and of course this blog will be continued.