Today I reveal my recipe for making your own deodorant stick .
This homemade deodorant looks just like "real" deodorant!
Why make your own deodorant?
First, because it costs MUCH less than traditional commercial deodorants.
But above all, my recipe is 100% natural and with ZERO chemicals hazardous to your health.
In addition, my deodorant recipe is ultra-easy to prepare with only 4 ingredients.
Besides, I'm willing to bet you already have all the ingredients in your cupboard!
A little baking soda, coconut oil and cornstarch.
And a few drops of essential oil to perfume, and you're done.
Come on, let's go for the easy recipe for homemade deodorant to never smell bad again . Watch:
- 80 ml coconut oil
- 30 g cornstarch (cornflour type)
- 60 g baking soda
- 6 to 10 drops of essential oil of your choice
- a bowl to mix the ingredients
- 1 small glass jar to keep the mixture
- 1 "stick" case to apply the deodorant
Know that I found my stick case at Aroma-Zone, for only €1.50.
Otherwise, you can simply clean and reuse the container of your old deodorant :-)
Preparation: 5 mins - For: 2 deodorant sticks
When it's too cold, coconut oil solidifies.
If so, put your coconut oil in the microwave for 10-30 seconds to melt it.
It's up to you to choose your favorite essential oil!
For this recipe, I chose vetiver essential oil, for its fresh and woody scent.
But of course, you can mix several essential oils to customize the scent of your deodorant.
Pour the cornstarch and baking soda into the bowl.
Using a spoon, mix all the ingredients well, until you obtain a very smooth and homogeneous liquid.
Now that everything is well mixed, pour everything into your glass jar.
Put the mixture in the fridge for a few hours.
Like this, the "dough" freezes and the deodorant becomes solid.
Use a small spatula, spoon or your fingers to transfer the mixture into the "stick" case.
There you go, your homemade deodorant with only 4 ingredients is already ready :-)
Easy, fast and economical, right?
For an easy application, I advise you to use a "stick" case.
But of course, you can also apply your deodorant directly under the arms, with your fingers.
It's just that after each application, you have to wash your hands...
Don't forget that your armpits are used to receiving their daily dose of industrial deodorant!
It sometimes takes 1 or 2 weeks before the bacteria under your arms can adapt to your new organic deodorant.
So, as you have surely understood...
This means that during this adjustment period, you will may smell a little "stronger" than usual.
If so, don't worry:it's completely normal.
Tell yourself that it's a bit like if your armpits were doing a detox cure :-)
So hang in there for the first few days.
And believe in our experience, you'll be smelling good again in no time.
Do you have sensitive skin? Replace cornstarch with arrowroot powder.
What I love about this deodorant recipe is that it's easily adaptable.
Indeed, it is up to you to personalize the perfume using the essential oil of your choice!
I particularly recommend these essential oils with discreet and pleasant scents:
- HE of lavender
- Lemongrass EO
- Cedar HE
- HE of tea tree (tea tree)
- Sandalwood EO
- HE of bergamot
- Grapefruit EO
Also, be aware that essential oils are powerful and can cause skin irritation.
Thus, before using essential oil on the skin, it must be diluted in an oily carrier, such as coconut oil.
Some essential oils can be allergenic.
Therefore, always do a preliminary test in the bend of the elbow.
If your skin is irritated after using the deodorant, wash it off immediately.
Deodorant won't necessarily stop sweating.
On the other hand, it will stop bad odors, when you need it most.
This is how deodorant works:
Say you're on a job interview, at the gym, or on a first date.
All of these situations can turn your armpits into swampy areas.
But it's not the sweat that smells bad!
In reality, it is the bacteria that feed on this sweat, and create bad body odor.
And precisely, this is where our friend the deodorant comes in.
Again, the deodorant will not stop the sweat.
Rather, it will make the pH of your armpits more acidic, which destroys those nasty odor-causing bacteria.
And boom ! All of a sudden, you smell clean and fresh.
Antiperspirants, on the other hand, do exactly what their name suggests.
They block the glands that secrete sweat to prevent sweating.
Their biggest advantage? Antiperspirants stop sweat in their tracks.
Thus, it avoids being embarrassed in the event of a stressful situation, high heat or sporting activity.
On the other hand, antiperspirants contain substances that can irritate your skin.
Which ones? These include:
- synthetic perfumes,
- triclosan (a preservative that prevents the formation of bacteria in cosmetic products)
- aluminum salts (or "aluminum hydrochloride")
Yes, you read the last ingredient correctly:aluminum .
Don't you think that's the kind of thing you should avoid rubbing on your skin?
You are not alone!
It is precisely for this reason that more and more people are using homemade deodorant, with 100% natural products .
Not only do antiperspirants make body odor worse, but they also reduce your immune defenses!
Something to give you chills, don't you think?