Dark circles are often synonymous with great fatigue, but not only.
They can also be a hereditary consequence, allergic or simply the fact of aging.
In any case, we will agree that it does not give a super sexy look!
Well today, I intend to show you how to make those unsightly dark circles disappear naturally .
Because yes, it is possible to get rid of it without resorting to cosmetic products that prevent the skin from breathing.
The proof, I who was surrounded like a panda, the contours of my eyes have become radiant again.
Discover 11 natural home remedies to erase dark circles around the eyes:
In addition to having many virtues for the body, aloe vera is a great tensor and concealer.
Simply apply a little aloe vera gel (preferably organic) around the eyes for it to take effect.
Be careful though:this part of the face being delicate, aloe vera can irritate it very slightly.
To avoid this and obtain perfect care, mix aloe vera with a little organic calophyllum oil.
The associated properties of aloe vera and this healing and circulatory oil work true miracles.
Blueberry water is an ancestral recipe that has proven itself for a very long time.
Used by our grandmothers, it is very precious in case of bags under the eyes or pronounced dark circles.
It decongests naturally.
Another beneficial benefit, cornflower water soothes tired eyes when they are too exposed to screens.
Soak 2 cotton pads with cornflower water and leave on each of the closed eyelids for 10 minutes.
This method is completely restorative.
You probably drink green tea to drain toxins from your body or for other benefits.
Well, know that the antioxidant properties of this tea also help to better stimulate blood circulation.
This tea is therefore a perfect decongestant and a perfect concealer, which is also totally ecological.
And as my grandmother used to say, "don't throw away your used tea bags!
Put them in the fridge and use them the day your eyes are puffy or tired."
Just put them on each eye for a few minutes, a bit like compresses, for a perfect result.
You now know that it is possible to use used tea bags as a compress for dark circles.
And much like green tea, you can also use feverfew tea bags.
After putting the sachets in the fridge, all you have to do is place them on your eyes and let them act.
The properties of feverfew, combined with the cold, are perfect for reducing puffiness and puffy eyes.
This method soothes, cleans and disinfects the identified area.
Have you ever wondered why we put cucumber slices on our eyes?
It's simply because cucumber is super hydrating and contains copper.
Copper forms collagen and collagen, is very good for regenerating the sensitive contour of your eyes.
Put 1 organic cucumber in your fridge, cut 2 slices and put them on your puffy eyes for a few minutes.
Figs are one of the most beneficial fruits for our health.
They are loaded with dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium and are antioxidants.
But that's not all.
Fig, like cucumber, reduces dark circles for its anti-wrinkle and anti-inflammatory effects.
Cut a fig in 2 and put the pieces in the fridge.
Once cool, put each of the halves on your eyes for 5 min.
Expect to no longer recognize yourself in front of the mirror! Your gaze has become luminous again.
When we talk about cosmetics, the potato is not necessarily the first substance we think of.
However, it is useful in many areas.
Know above all that when it comes to dark circles, potatoes are even more effective than cucumbers!
It is notably much richer in vitamin C and antioxidants.
It also boosts blood circulation around the eyes and reduces the dilation of blood vessels.
So with all that, I hope you won't see potatoes like you used to.
They're not just for fries!
Cut 2 pieces of potato about 2 cm thick and mash them.
Put the crushed potato pieces in a linen handkerchief and place them on your dark circles.
Leave on for about 20 min.
Another possibility is to put half a slice of finely cut potato directly on each ring.
Leave on for 10 minutes for the whitening agents to chase away your marks around the eyes.
We all know that honey is very good for your health.
It is also a very effective natural remedy to eliminate your dark circles.
Put 1 teaspoon of acacia honey in 100 ml of warm water.
Soak 2 cotton pads in the solution and place them under the eyes for about ten minutes.
Wash with clean water and you're done.
We often use ice cubes to deflate a sore.
Well, ice cubes are also useful to fight against dark circles.
Put ice cubes in a tissue (washcloth for example) and apply under the eyes.
Leave on dark circles for at least 10 minutes for it to be effective.
Use green tea ice cubes to enjoy the benefits of this tea at the same time.
If you used to throw away coffee grounds thinking they were no longer good for anything, watch the following.
We have a grandmother's recipe that will amaze you.
In a container, mix 1 teaspoon of yogurt with 1 teaspoon of marc.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour then apply the preparation to your dark circles.
Leave on for 10 minutes then gently cleanse with a cotton ball.
This concealer treatment can be performed once a week.
To regain a luminous look, milk is another very useful grandmother's remedy.
Cool some semi-skimmed cow's milk, soak 2 cotton balls in it and place them under the eyes.
Wait about ten minutes and you're done.