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Wedding:Why choose ethical and responsible jewellery?

We know today that the jewelry industry is not very responsible for the environment and the condition of workers . This awareness has made it possible to develop a new range of jewelry, which is called ethical and responsible, and which emphasizes respect for the environment and human rights. Recycled gold and synthetic diamonds are a good example. Are you curious? We explain to you why to choose ethical and responsible jewellery.

What is responsible and ethical jewelry?

An ethical jewel can be made of gold, diamond or natural stones. His particuliarity ? It is made without exploiting workers and without harming the planet. By buying an ethical jewel, we do not contribute to finance exploitations (of man or nature) or conflicts in poor countries. Choosing ethical jewelry or responsible wedding rings takes on several dimensions:a social dimension (no exploitation of workers, no child labor, no discrimination, no underpaid workers, etc.); an environmental dimension (no use of chemicals, less pollution, etc.); and a more general dimension that allows profits to be invested in positive actions for people, the environment or society.

Choose ethical jewelery out of respect for the environment

The extraction of gold, silver or natural stones in the mines is a very polluting activity just like the textile sector. The jewelry industry has a detrimental impact on the planet. On average, for 3 g of gold mined, 1,500 L of water is wasted and 100 g of cyanide, 5 tonnes of waste and 10 g of mercury are rejected... In addition to contributing to global warming, mining gold is a source of deforestation . But the diamond mines are not left out! The mines are so deep that they are the source of tons of waste, not to mention the exploitation of men who work in unacceptable conditions. An ethical jewel, as much as an ethical garment, uses recycled materials or comes from an exploitation respectful of the environment.

Defend human rights by purchasing ethical jewelry

It is not just the environmental dimension that is pushing more and more people to choose responsible jewellery. Ethical jewelry defends human rights by not ignoring the condition of workers in disadvantaged countries. Because the local populations of these gold, silver or diamond mines are exploited:the remuneration is almost non-existent (some only receive a dollar a day) and the working conditions are intolerable. Accidents and fatal risks are very high. Some farms go so far as to employ children… An ethical jewel undertakes not to use materials from these productions and to favor those that ensure safe working conditions, care and education for children.

How to know if a jewel is responsible and ethical?

In the early 2000s, it was the Kimberley process that initiated the movement by deciding to put an end to the diamond industry which financed armed conflicts. If this process is not perfect, it has the merit of having been the first official project aimed at improving the negative aspects of this trade. Today, there are more efficient labels that certify the origin of ethical jewelry. What are responsible jewelry labels ? There is the “conflict free” label, “fairmined” (against mining extractions that exploit people, which are dangerous and/or polluting), and the “Responsible Jewelery Council” regulation which promotes responsible business practices through Coc certification. .

If synthetic diamonds are very present in the world of jewelry and in ethical jewelry, the question of pollution remains. With a synthetic diamond, we are sure not to finance armed conflicts or the exploitation of workers. But the environmental impact of these diamonds is greater than a natural diamond. According to studies, a natural diamond emits 3 times less CO2 waste than a synthetic diamond ! By comparison, the production of these is more polluting than that of electronic devices, such as computers or mobile phones! If the traceability of the diamond is certified, as at Or du monde, the use of a natural diamond in the making of a jewel is more ethical and ecological than a diamond made in a laboratory.

To find out if a jewel is truly ethical, it is important to find out by checking the certifications or choosing a recognized ethical and responsible brand (find out more about the OR DU MONDE ethical diamond for example).

Is recycled gold ethical?

Did you know that gold can be recycled and can be reused indefinitely? And recycled gold keeps all its properties! We also speak of fair trade gold to qualify recycled gold. It can come from old jewelry or gold objects, leftovers from jewelers' workshops, or even electronic waste. Buy recycled gold jewelry promotes transmission and the second hand. It is a sustainable approach that is useful for the planet. Thus, choosing recycled gold is a responsible approach. Be sure to select a brand that is transparent about the origin of gold and its jewelry in general. Recycled gold is increasingly present in jewelery shops and in the collections of famous jewelers .

Where to buy ethical jewelry?

If you have heard of ethical jewellery, this is proof that brands have turned more towards fair and responsible jewellery . Now, it is not difficult to find beautiful ethical jewelry. Many jewelers have made this choice and offer ranges of ethical jewelry. You will find stores that sell fair trade jewelry in major cities in France or online stores on the Internet. Their jewels are as fine and delicate as the others, impossible to see the difference with the naked eye!

Are you sensitive to the impact of jewelery on the environment or on working conditions around the world? Choose ethical and responsible jewelry to act and invest in quality and fair parts!