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Solid cosmetics trend:let yourself be tempted!

At a time when a large number of brands are now turning to the manufacture ofsolid cosmetics , we wondered about this new eco-responsible beauty trend? So what is this beauty alternative that everyone is talking about? Solid shampoo, soaps, natural deodorants, care, what are solid cosmetics used for? ? Benefits and favorite products, we give you our opinion on solid cosmetics , a beauty trend to adopt urgently!

The trend of solid cosmetics

A few years ago, everyone didn't care. But with the general awareness, solid cosmetics are on their way to becoming the beauty trend of the decade! From now on, all the stores offer their section of solid cosmetics where you can find shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes and soaps! Not to mention theDIY tutorials for making solid cosmetics that are popping up on the net every day! A turning point has been made and it is very good for everyone!

But what exactly are solid cosmetics?

As its name suggests, solid cosmetics no longer offers liquid products. The formulations of the products are without preservatives , allergens and chemicals. At the very least, the formulation is as natural as possible. These organic natural cosmetics are part of an eco-responsible approach to take care not only of your health, but also of the environment.

A formulation without water but above all without chemicals and without preservatives!

What are the benefits of solid cosmetics?

Natural products that respect the environment

Nowadays, the quest for natural products is becoming more and more present. We all want the healthiest products possible. While in the past we did not pay attention to the composition of beauty products, we now scan the labels looking for products devoid of sulfates and chemicals. The French men and women have gradually lost confidence in the cosmetics industry in the face of numerous headlines on the dangerous composition of certain products.

Little by little, all the big brands and new small beauty labels have launched their natural range to offer customers much more ecological and economical solutions for the environment. Moreover, some companies are betting everything on this concept and this beauty trend.

The goal? Offer products without chemical allergens, without parabens, without sulfates, all natural and respectful of the environment . They are good for all skin types, especially sensitive skin, grainy skin or atopic skin.

However, it is not enough for a product to be qualified as solid cosmetics for it to be totally natural. Be careful to read between the lines because some cosmetic brands are riding the trend to deceive the customer.

A way of consuming that preserves the planet

At the heart of solid cosmetics, there is also the debate on environmental issues. Recyclable packaging, zero plastic, zero waste , it's a totally different way of consuming and producing.

The absence of water is also a plus . An inexhaustible resource for some, it is nevertheless a question of preserving this rare commodity which will not always be inexhaustible. And yet, water is a key ingredient in cosmetic recipes. To give you an idea, a shampoo is made up of around 80% water. Unfortunately, when a product is made of water, it is necessary to add preservatives. This is why solid cosmetics players are making every effort to manufacture water-free compact products.

Let's also talk about savings on transport costs and pollution lead through the distribution channels. They are of lower impact in the solid cosmetics industry due to a more compact and easier to transport product.

Substantial savings on your beauty products

People mistakenly think that solid cosmetics are expensive. If the latter seems more expensive at first glance, it may be the case except that a solid soap will last much longer than a classic shower gel. Same thing for shampoo, the amount of product used is minimal and the product will last much longer. The savings in the long term are therefore quickly felt. Buying a solid cosmetic product is a sustainable purchase .

How do solid cosmetics work?

Going into the solid is different from your usual experience. We are widely used to consuming liquid products that foam and emulsify very easily. A solid soap for example will be very different, it will have to be foamed in contact with water or moistened. The sensory experience is therefore different, but you get used to it quickly.

You will see that after application, your skin will be soft and clean, with the difference that you will only have to apply healthy products to your skin.

Once used, all you have to do is air dry your product before putting it back in its recyclable packaging. Very easy to transport, they are perfect to put in your vacation suitcase or to take away for the weekend.

Which solid cosmetic products to choose?

If you want the best for your health, we advise you to find asolid soap for the daily shower. You can also choose a solid soap to wash your face morning and evening. Solid shampoo, on the other hand, is a must when you know all the additives that are found in industrial shampoos. The experience is really different and you can put several shampoos before finding your account but you will not regret it. Gradually, your hair will be free of residue. They will naturally be brighter and stronger thanks to the natural active ingredients of your shampoo bar.

Next come the solid toothpastes and deodorants. Perfect products to take care of your health!

Beeswax , goat's milk, coconut oil, aloe vera, argan oil, hemp, once you taste the naturally derived ingredients , you will find it difficult to do without natural cosmetics! And good news, they can be used for the whole family!