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Excessive sweating:causes and remedies

Sweating is a physiological and natural reaction of the body to heat. When it is hot then it perspires, which will allow it to cool the body.

Sport, stress, fever are traditional causes of sweats but what about when your body sweats for no reason and it becomes a real discomfort? Excessive sweating can be a real burden. What are the causes ? How to cure it ? Are there natural remedies?

Why do we suffer from excessive sweating?

For most people who suffer from excessive sweating, the phenomenon is completely unrelated to any particular health concern. This is called primary hyperhidrosis .

However for others, sweating is due to a pathology. This is secondary hyperhidrosis .

Here are various possible causes:

  • A genetic cause
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Viruses and diseases
  • Medications
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Menopause
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obesity

Your excessive sweating may be due to one or more of these factors.

How to fight against this phenomenon?

Perspiration is embarrassing, it stains clothes and halos, it is really embarrassing for privacy and can even complicate business and social interactions. In some serious cases, people with this disorder can no longer do any activity:driving, shaking hands with someone or holding a pen is a real moment of stress...

One ​​can suffer from excessive armpit sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) or the palms and soles of the feet (palmoplantar hyperhidrosis). Armpit problems tend to appear in late adolescence, while palm sweating and soles often start earlier, around age 13. If left untreated, these problems can last a lifetime.

Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to cure it. Forget the big sweaters or the air conditioning on full blast, we'll give you all the techniques to fight against excessive perspiration .

Basic actions to take in the face of excessive sweating:

Prefer cotton clothes and avoid synthetic materials

As we have seen above, sweating exists to bring down your body temperature. When we wear synthetic fiber clothing, we will then prevent the skin from breathing and therefore promote sweating. This is why it is important to favor clothes made of natural fibres.

Adopt a balanced lifestyle

First, it is essential to limit your consumption of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine, which are strong stimulants. You should also have good eating habits and avoid eating too much garlic or spices that will tend to flavor your perspiration.

Long live waxing!

You don't sweat less when you're waxed or not. However, the perspiration, which smells the worst, will stagnate on the hair-prone areas. Basically, if you are not well shaved, your armpits may smell worse! The bristles prevent the sweat from evaporating properly, the bacteria then get stuck and this creates a bad smell.

Test these 7 natural methods

  • Lemon juice:cut it into slices and rub them under your armpits It will mask bad odors.
  • The cucumber:same as for the lemon, it is rubbed under the armpits, cut into slices. The cucumber tightens the pores of the skin and will take a few days to demonstrate its effectiveness. Be patient!
  • Parsley:the chlorophyll contained in parsley helps block body odors Feel free to chew it throughout the day.
  • Aloe vera:just like cucumber, it tightens the pores of the skin. You can apply it under the armpits.
  • Baking Soda:Baking soda absorbs sweat and kills bacteria. You can add lavender essential oil or lemon juice to make it smell nicer.
  • Tomato juice baths:Try tomato juice baths every day for 15 days. Pour in about the equivalent of 2 large bowls of tomato juice.
  • Black tea:tea lovers, this may be a little frustrating for you, but it's not about drinking your tea. It will have to be done in a foot bath for about 20 minutes two to three times a week.

The treatments

Deodorants VS Antiperspirants?

Most people can't tell the difference between an antiperspirant and a deodorant. Yet they are totally different and do not act at the same level.


They only mask bad odors related to perspiration through their scents. They often contain an antiseptic product, hence sometimes certain intolerances for sensitive skin.


Antiperspirants are made up of aluminum salts. It is these salts that clog the sweat glands and reduce sweat. They act as a sort of plug in the mucous membranes. They are often irritating to sensitive skin due to their anti-bacterial properties.

Anti-suphorids that contain a low metallic dose are often available over the counter in pharmacies and are tested first. When these are ineffective, the doctor can then prescribe antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride as a second intention.

Iontophoresis treatment

In some more serious cases, hyperhidrosis will require therapeutic treatment. Iontophoresis is a treatment based on the passage of an electric current through a basin of water via electrodes which will reduce the secretion of sweat.

There are also treatments based on butolic toxin injection or treatments that require taking anticholinergic drugs.

If you are unable to treat your hyperhidrosis with all the advice and care seen above in this article, talk to your dermatologist or your doctor.

The Alum Stone

Alum stone, for or against?

Since antiquity, alum stone has been used for its hypoallergenic, antiseptic and sudorific properties. This one is of natural origin but still contains aluminum sulphate and potassium.

Is it dangerous for our health?

Be careful to distinguish between the two existing types of alum stone:

  • the natural alum stone does not fix the aluminum on the skin because it evaporates when you wash or sweat
  • synthetic alum stone which has been reconstituted and made from ammonium salts (this is the formula found in our alum stone deodorants)

How does it work?

Alum stone can be used as a deodorant because it will regulate perspiration by tightening the pores of the skin on the one hand but also by inhibiting bacteria. Thanks to its properties, it will also neutralize odors associated with perspiration.

Very easy to use, just wet your alum stone and rub it against the desired area for a few seconds.

Bonus:Our DIY recipe for a natural deodorant

To make our homemade recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • white thyme oil:15 drops
  • beeswax:1 tablespoon and a half
  • coconut oil:1 tbsp
  • cocoa butter:1/2 tablespoon
  • rosemary oil:15 drops
  • lavender oil:25 drops
  • castor oil:3 drops

Start by melting your beeswax in a bain-marie and add the cocoa butter. When your mixture has melted, you can then add all the essential oils one by one, taking care to respect the dosage. Get a homogeneous mixture and put your recipe in a container and let cool.

Apply a small amount of your care after your wash and go!

And you girls, have you tested a miracle recipe?