To spend the winter without having a red nose and a sore throat, you have to know how to protect yourself and take care of yourself. There are simple remedies to stay in shape and boost your immune system. The latter is responsible for ensuring the body's defense against infections. So let's boost it!
Needless to remind you that physical activity is good for your health. But do you know that it is also immunostimulating?
And yes, sport can increase the level of white blood cells and promote the synthesis of a molecule essential for immunity , interferon. The ideal is to do between 30 and 60 minutes of moderate exercise about three times a week. Thus, the risk of respiratory infections would be reduced by about 40%.
Walking, yoga or aerobic exercises are excellent to strengthen your immune system. Running at a moderate pace is just as good. However, be sure to go out well covered.
But be careful not to overdo it. Intense and prolonged exercise can have the opposite effect and weaken the immune system, making it easier for viruses to enter and multiply in the body.
However, this is not a miracle solution! Other factors come into play to have a strong immune system. So, here are my simple tips for staying fit this winter:
Your immune system and your lifestyle are your allies in the fight against infections. Hoping that my little tips will help keep you safe from infections.
Sarah Ourahmoune