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Nike X Stranger Things:a new pair of sneakers that you have to burn to reveal the logo of the series

A pair of sneakers launched in a limited edition by Nike has a rather funny feature:you have to burn it in certain places to reveal the hidden logo...

Nike is definitely never short of innovative ideas when it comes to promoting its latest creations.

On the occasion of the release of season 3 of Strangers Things , on July 4, the Swoosh brand unveiled a collection of three stylized models in the colors of the series :a pair of Cortez, a pair of Blazers and a pair of Tailwind, all wrapped up in a communication campaign that has been a great success with fans.

The pair you have to burn to reveal the logo

But Nike, whose old pair dating from the 1972 Olympics sold for more than $400,000 at auction a few days ago, had hidden the rather comical specificity of one of these models sold in limited edition. The pair of Tailwind, whose design has been modified by the brand, must be burned in certain places to reveal the logo of the series , which can appear on the heel of the shoe.

And that's not all:as you can see in our video at the top of the article, the Russian code deciphered by the Kids from the Netflix series is also present, inside the sole of the sneakers. Enough to delight lovers of the brand, who will however have to hurry if they want to take advantage of these new models, which only exist in very limited editions in the United States.

A publicity stunt to clear up controversy?

This rather successful publicity stunt is also welcome for Nike, which has been accumulating controversy in recent months . A few weeks ago, the brand had to withdraw from sale a pair launched on the occasion of July 4, American national holiday, and on which appeared an old version of the American flag assimilated at the time of the slavery, reported the Wall Street Journal at the time.

In early 2019, it was another pair that aroused the indignation of Internet users, due to a religious symbol inadvertently integrated under its sole. At the time, a petition had even been launched online to demand the removal of this model. In total, nearly 50,000 signatures had been collected.