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Summer sales 2021:will they be postponed?

While so-called “non-essential” businesses were able to reopen this Wednesday, May 19, a new debate is raging. Should the 2021 summer sales be postponed? Two opposing camps.

Like the terraces of bars and restaurants, as well as cinemas and theaters, non-essential businesses were able to reopen their doors this Wednesday, May 19. Of course, the health protocol remains strict, with a gauge of 8 square meters per visitor, but this is still very good news for traders, who are already thinking about the next big step:the summer sales.

Summer sales postponed to mid-July?

The initial calendar foresees the summer sales between June 23 and July 20 . But for some, it would be necessary to shift these dates, as had been the case with the winter sales, postponed by two weeks. This is the case for several players in the sector, including the Confederation of French Traders.

Its president, Francis Palombi, told RMC that a letter had been sent to the Ministry of the Economy, asking for a postponement of the sales to mid-July. " We reopened on May 19, June 23 is too early. Our business model is based on the profit margin, unlike franchises or large retailers" he confides. According to him, the "realistic" date would be around July 10 , to allow traders to be able to sell at full price for a little longer after a long period of closing.

Other actors campaign for maintaining the initial dates

But this does not convince everyone, especially on the side of the big brands or the best-known brands. Thus, the Trade Alliance claims in a press release that the initial dates be maintained. This would allow "to sell off inventory" and "replenish cash".

The Trade Alliance is also asking for the two-week extension of the summer sales, to allow the French who left early on vacation to be able to take advantage of it. A vast debate that could quickly be settled. Indeed, the Minister in charge of SMEs, Alain Griset, must meet the various players in the sector during the week, to take a decision before the end of May .