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Castor oil:on which types of hair to apply it?

Castor oil:which oil for my hair?

Rather black and originally from Jamaica for frizzy hair or classic for Caucasian hair, we choose it organic. As with all vegetable oils, the product is of better quality when the castor oil comes from organic farming. Especially since it often comes from countries where production standards are less strict than European standards (Asia, Africa, India). The mentions "virgin" and "first cold pressed" are also important:they are the guarantee of the purity of the product. Available in pharmacies or organic stores, it is generally packaged in a 50 or 100 ml bottle or pump bottle. Some websites offer 1L bottles, which can be too much if you don't use them quickly:the oil goes rancid quickly. Regardless of your hair type (dry, oily, damaged, sensitized, colored, afro, etc.), the product remains the same. It is the application of castor oil that changes.

In pre-shampoo oil bath for all hair types

If you have dry to very dry hair or even damaged and brittle hair, you are the ideal candidate for castor oil. Fine hair that grows in slow motion? Hair loss>? Your hair will thank you. Colored/bleached hair that has lost its shine? Go ahead safely, castor oil has never stained anyone's blonde hair! On the contrary, if you color your hair, it is essential that you use barrier treatments such as castor oil, which can coat and plump the hair for a long time. If you have oily hair, you would be wrong to deprive yourself of castor oil:apply it in the evening before your shampoo. In case of scalp infection, castor oil is a good natural treatment against bacteria.

As a day care for a shiny and hydrated afro

Castor oil is also a good treatment for frizzy, very demanding hair. In addition to a castor oil hair mask or a weekly oil bath, afro hair can receive castor oil daily. Applied in small quantities with the fingertips after having heated it in the palm with a little water, it is applied to the lengths and ends with a wide-toothed comb. We do not put too much product so as not to grease (a drop is enough) and we do not think about it anymore! Castor oil is indeed transparent on the hair, odorless and…magical for all hair, we tell you! Spread the word!