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Favorite:the “Mister K Fighting Kits” by Charlotte

At 27, Charlotte is diagnosed with ovarian cancer against which she will fight a long battle punctuated by numerous operations and chemo sessions. In remission, she decides to open her blog to tell her story and share her tips for fighting beautifully. It is there that she realizes, in contact with other fighters against cancer (the K fighters, as she calls them), how important it is to feel beautiful and dignified when you are sick. She therefore launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kiss Kiss Bank Bank, which enabled her to carry out her project in January 2016. 4 "Fighting Kits" were launched:boxes containing beauty essentials from major brands (Avène, Atelier du Sourcil , Dermophil, Revitalash, La Roche-Posay…), but also USB keys with advice and tutorials. A very nice project that we applaud and encourage you to share around you!