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Mustache waxing:9 mistakes you should never make again

Hair removal of the mustache without having tested the product

Before devoting yourself to waxing the mustache or any other area of ​​the face, it is essential to test the product beforehand. Indeed, some depilatory creams and some hot or cold waxes contain ingredients that are allergenic or that can irritate sensitive skin. Apply the product to a small patch of skin and wait. If nothing happens, you can wax without worry. On the other hand, if you feel burning, itching, or if any redness or pimples appear, beware!

Mustache hair removal with too hot wax

It is dangerous to use wax that is too hot when mustache waxing . In addition to the risk of burns, this product can also cause irritation. Avoid applying it immediately to your skin just after heating it in a pot or in the microwave. Instead, put some on the skin of your forearm to check the temperature.

Apply cream just before depilation and forget after

If you apply cream just before using wax for mustache hair removal , the skin will be too smooth and the product will not adhere to the skin. In other words, the bristles will not stick to the wax. Similarly, the cream or oil prevents the hair from straightening, which makes hair removal with tweezers more complicated. Conversely, skipping hydration after waxing increases the risk of irritation.

Epilate every day

Too frequent mustache waxing is not the right solution to prevent hair from growing back. On the contrary, they can be even more numerous and thicker. In addition, the skin hardens due to repeated waxing or shaving, which increases the risk of ingrown hairs. So space out waxing by at least a week and you will feel all the difference.

The first depilations with a razor

Waxing your mustache for the first time with a razor is a very bad idea. While the convenience and speed this method offers is tempting, the risks are many:

  • Appearance of ingrown hairs (painful);
  • Fast and thick regrowth (plus they sting);
  • Wounds because you are not used to using the razor on this area.