Family Best Time >> Beauty & Style

Develab boots are made for walking..

Shoes… the hallway, closet, attic is full of them. And (unfortunately) these are mainly children's shoes in many different sizes. Those kids are growing like weeds and before you know it they're stuck with their toes again. Either they are worn out, or the shoes no longer match the season, but you still keep them for a while. I can send an orphanage with it now. Luckily we have a pair of Develab boots with it!

Then you think with a pair of cool boots you are winter and spring proof for the time being, your daughter suddenly realizes that they are too small. Why, too small?! You're just growing too fast! That's how it feels anyway. Pfff… they slowly but surely creep up to your own shoe size. But I am 30 years older! And then I also have a real girl-girl who prefers to parade around in heels. She calls sneakers her 'running shoes'…

Develab boots; tough and classy

Well, there really had to be new shoes. But yes, it's still half winter, and I also want her to be able to wear it a little longer. So the mission was:a winter boot with the ambition to last until summer. Hmmm...let's just say we're semi-passed. In her eyes, we graduated cum laude.

These boots from Develab are just the thing for her. And well, to be honest, I would have gone for them myself if they were in my size. Although they are not necessarily spring-like or summery in terms of look. They are tough and classy at the same time. And equipped with, not unimportant for the diva, a small heel. Already in size 32! Suddenly I see my little girl, what I feel is only just a toddler girl, become a girl. That shouts things like cool, chill and fat (those are the civilized words) *swallow*.

When it comes to shoes (so not the house-garden-and-kitchen sneakers that are bought to be worn out) I am always looking for good quality. I now know from experience that Develab boots are not only very hip but also very solid. Shoes are expensive enough, so I also want them to last a long time. Apart from the fact that a shoe suddenly no longer fits, of course. These boots fit perfectly even though she has a high instep, they are made of leather and the zipper closes without difficulty. The boot is also not too tight around the calf so that the pants can be worn in it, which really belongs to these boots. The fact that she's been walking and running around in these boots   from Develab for days without comments about a sore heel or a pinched toe says a lot.
If the looks, the quality and the fit are right, I think the price too. At least, then they are worth it.

Develab's summer collection? That's going to be a problem. Have you spotted it yet? Very nice, if you're bad at making choices, like me. And unfortunately… my daughter has the same genes 😀 . Of course I also try to manipulate her if I don't like her choice (confession!). I gaze a little further.. Soon we will be able to give away one pair of summer shoes from Develab. Hmmm.. which one would that be? Can you choose?