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Eye bags under the eyes:how do they arise and what can you do about them?

Eye bags under the eyes… brrr, how do they arise and how do you get rid of them? The older you get, the more you experience. I used to never lose sleep over anything. I did stay awake at night, but then I wasn't in bed 😉 . Long live student life… You feast on yourself and you are not even physically bothered by it. I was able to sleep for 2 hours and still looked like an 18 year old the next day.

When you get a bit older (and especially:mother) you sometimes have to make do with very little sleep. Only nowadays you look twice as old after such a night. And that's not even talking about how you feel. Getting older doesn't just produce wrinkles... Also bags under the eyes are one of the gifts you get when you're over 25. How do those bitches actually arise and more importantly:how do you get rid of them?

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How do under-eye bags develop?

Eye bags under the eyes, that doesn't sound very complex, does it? You sleep little, and the next day you look like a zombie. Yet dark walls do not have such a black and white background. Bags under the eyes develop over the years. Usually older people suffer from it, but also in young people, bags under the eyes can be an annoying problem. At least, if you care about it. It is only a cosmetic issue. In other words:one of my priorities 😉 .

Many people think that bags under the eyes are created due to moisture † That is partly true, but they only consist of 10% moisture storage. The rest is fat. If you thought that only your buttocks and stomach are a fat problem, you are wrong. Now fat storage under your eyes very normal. But as you get older, the connective tissue in your body gets weaker. As a result, fat sometimes starts to slide a bit… and not just under your eyes. In addition, more and more fat is often stored under your eyes as you get older. The skin, which is supposed to prevent bags under the eyes, doesn't really help either. It becomes less and less elastic. This makes the fat pads under your eyes increasingly visible. Welcome ramparts. Although, of course they are not that welcome. Do you want to know what you can do about bags under the eyes? Then please read on.

Causes of bags under-your-eyes

How elastic your skin and connective tissue are therefore largely determines whether you get puffiness. But also heredity plays a big role. If your parents suffer from bags under their eyes, you will probably also suffer from it more. As a result, some people already suffer from bags under their thirties, while it remains an unknown problem for others. Finally, there is of course something very important:your lifestyleLow sleep but also surprising factors such as nutrition influence the formation of bags under the eyes. We probably have a super tip if you want to prevent bags under your eyes at all costs:don't start with children 😉 .

After all, we would be the last to ban a good glass of wine... but also alcohol is a cause of bags under the eyes. Alcohol dries out your skin, making puffiness more visible. On the other hand, stress also to take care of bags under the eyes, and a glass of wine helps very well against that!

Difference between bags and circles

There is a difference in circles and bags under the eyes. Both won't make you look brighter… but they're not the same. As described above, bags under the eyes are really fat deposits † They sign off. Circles are more of a drawing in themselves. In the sense of a discoloration of the skin under your eyes † Actually, the skin itself is not colored, but more transparent. This allows you to see the blood vessels under the skin better.

In colloquial terms, the dark circles are often referred to when people say 'I have bags under my eyes'.

Update:December 2020

Face-bags:go into battle

Okay, time to talk about something really important. The solution. Or rather:solutions. There are all kinds of remedies for bags under the eyes. From the drugstore, but also from grandmother's box of tricks. So check the options and 'eat from multiple pockets', then hopefully you will soon be your radiant self again.

Puff bags; grandma knows!

We'll start with grandma's wisdom right away… They are often cheap and in some cases work very well! Grandma also knows how to prevent bags under your eyes. Do you have a wise grandmother of your own with good advice? Then we'd love to hear your tips!

1. Do a cool down

An age-old trick:put something cold under your eyes to reduce puffiness. A spoon that has been in the freezer for a while for instance. Then place it with the concave side towards your eyes, and the puffiness should be gone in no time. Be careful with too cold directly on the skin. For example, place a tissue under it so that your skin is not 'shocked' too hard.

You can also use a wet washcloth use, or cucumber slices † Time left? Then also put two bags of chamomile tea on your bags, that has a soothing effect. Also drink a nice cup of tea with it, you can immediately deacidify with tea. Be careful:don't go for such a tea treatment every day, because that can cause irritations.

2. Go for an eye massage

You probably usually go for other massages, but an eye massage is also a good remedy for bags under the eyes. You don't have to go to the spa and it also provides a happy ending – namely the disappearance of your bags under the eyes. Massage your bags for a few minutes (without ointments!). This seems to massage away waste products, and your bags are less. Do not use day cream on your bags under the eyes , which often has a moisturizing effect and makes your bags under the eyes worse.

3. Caffeine:coffee is always a good idea

You probably already know that caffeine can be a lifesaver after sleepless nights. And caffeine even seems to help with bags under the eyes. You can go to the drugstore for a caffeine roller, but you can also two used Senseo pads put on your eyes. You must have a Senseo device (and fancy those pads on your eyes).

4. Hemorrhoid ointment… for bags under the eyes?

ew. This is not a joke, we really come across this tip more often. Also hemorrhoid cream seems to help with bags under the eyes. That may not sound like music to your ears… But apparently a lot of Hollywood stars do. And it seems to work in the short term too. Just a warning:if you use it for a longer period of time, it will irritate the skin and your bags will get worse. I would therefore not recommend hemorrhoid cream for the bags under your eyes, better try one of the other tips from this bog.

5. The last resort

Have you filled your bags with coffee and cucumber? Have you been massaging for an hour now, and the bags don't want to go away? Then of course there is one last remedy left. And ladies (and gentlemen!) it always works. Thank god for makeup. Camouflage your bags under the eyes is of course also an option. Although that won't work when you're 80.

Under the knife; cosmetic procedures

With cosmetic procedures you can not only do something about lines and wrinkles, but also about bags under the eyes. Of course that should be right up your alley. Are you interested in that in principle, but do you still find the idea a bit scary? Then you can read Anne's story, who worked for botox and fillers went. Or that of Joyce, who with an eyelid correction has addressed her droopy eyelids, which she is very pleased with! We have no experience (yet) with bags under the eyes, but the possibility does exist. Do you have experience with this? Then share your story with us if you want!

Good products against bags-under-your-eyes from the drugstore

If you don't like grandmother's remedies (I'm certainly not going to start with the hemorrhoid cream), you can of course also visit the drugstore. Here you will also find all kinds of products that should combat bags under the eyes. There are so many that I can no longer see the wood for the trees, but I can tell you about the products I use myself.

Below you will find a selection from my range.

1. Olay Ultimate Eye Cream

This cream has a 3-in-1 effect. Use this eye cream in the morning in your daily routine. Due to the multiple effect, you tackle fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles. The eye cream has a light color and contains glycerine, vitamins (including B3 which, for example, reduces or inhibits pigmentation spots) and peptides. This use is therefore more also as camouflage for the circles than for possible bags under the eyes.

Tip:The Olay Eyes Ultimate eye cream costs € 24.99 and is available at local drugstores and online. Now available online here with a 50% discount .

2. Garnier Eye Roller

As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't work against dark circles, but I personally find it nice to use it if I've had a bad night and have bags under my eyes. The eye roller refreshes immediately and my bags are actually pulling away because the skin is a bit tighter. Not surprising in itself, because the eye roller contains caffeine and we had already found that it would work above.

The roller costs around € 13.00 is available at the local drugstore or online.

3. Aloe Vera Soothing Gel Face &Body

A gel that has a multi-use function and is therefore always handy to have at home. This gel is wonderful to cool your skin (for example after a day of lots of sun), but the ultimate tip I got from a beautician is the following:

Use an Aloe Vera gel standard under your face cream before you start the day. Coincidentally, I received it from my niece a while ago when I tested the Zeitgard for her to clean your face. Now I use the Aloe Vera obediently. What I especially like is that this gel immediately hydrates and pulls 'things' a bit tight. I apply it with a brush all over my face, including under my eyes. My wrinkles are immediately less because of this, nice to see too 😉 .

I received the above gel at home to test and is available at the Body Shop , it will then cost € 19.00.

Admittedly… a little later I put a nourishing cream over it that somewhat negates the tightening again. But I'm very happy with this tip, that's why I like to share it. It therefore also works if your glance is a little less fresh due to bags under the eyes.

4. Biodermal Eye Cream (Puffiness &Dark Circles)

Biodermal eye cream has a number of features and one of them is the visibility of bags under your eyes and fine lines can fade. Let's be honest… completely removing bags under the eyes is a task that is actually impossible to achieve for any cream. You can reduce your bags. Especially if you take all our tips against bags and dark circles under your eyes to heart. An eye cream like this one from Biodermal can give you that little bit extra.

I've tested it myself for over a week now and I can say that I think it's a great product. The Biodermal cream spreads very easily and is quickly absorbed into the skin. I prefer to use it in the morning before applying my makeup. The Peptides in the cream, together with the niacinamide (vitamin B3), ensure that the skin around your eyes strengthens, reducing the visibility of dark circles under your eyes.

In addition, the eye cream also ensures that the skin is extra hydrated.

Would you like to try the Biodermal eye cream against bags under the eyes and dark circles? Buy it here .

5. Minéral 89 Eyes

I was also very satisfied about Minéral 89 Eyes, and I wrote a separate review. An ideal combination with a good cappuccino!

6. Finally, a concealer

The order of the above products in use is first 2, then 3 and then 1. A bit clumsy of me to put it differently, sorry;). Finally, use the concealer. Don't have a concealer at home yet? Then I can recommend it, especially for the dark circles under your eyes. Do you find it difficult to determine which concealer is right for you? Check the article below for more information!

Read also: how to choose the right concealer?

Do you suffer from bags under your eyes and do you have any additional tips for us? Let us know so we can all benefit!


I can give away 3 jars of the Olay cream described above. Let us know what you owe your bags under your eyes to and maybe you'll be the lucky one soon! The promotion runs until May 15, 2017. Note:This promotion has ended. The winners have been notified.

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