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This is the best place to keep your perfume

This is the best place to keep your perfume

When you invest in a new bottle of perfume (which is often not very cheap), you naturally want to enjoy it for as long as possible. But how do you do that?

Unfortunately, you do not receive any care or use instructions with your perfume bottles. When it comes to perfume, you really have to figure that stuff out for yourself, from how to wear it to where to keep it. That is why we are going to tell you how and where you can best store your perfume for a long time!

Read also :'The place where you should spray perfume'

The box

Your perfume starts to diminish in quality as soon as you open the box. Although the boxes are often mainly decorative, they actually have a very important function. They keep your perfume away from light, oxygen and temperature differences. The perfume is only exposed to oxygen when the box is opened and that is when your perfume starts to change. Compare it to a bottle of wine with the cork removed! Once you have opened the box, it is better to enjoy your perfume as much and as long as possible, which you can do by storing it properly.

Store perfume

It is best to store your perfume in a dark, cool and dry place. This protects the perfume from its three biggest 'enemies':heat, light and humidity. Using a sunny windowsill or a cupboard or shelf near the heater will make your perfume lose its quality even faster. It is also best to put the cap back on the bottle every time to prevent your perfume from being exposed to oxygen.

The best place?

We'll start with the worst place to keep your perfume:the bathroom. Although it seems a very logical place because you often spray your perfume here, this is not a good place. This is where your perfume is exposed to changes in temperature and humidity, which quickly makes your perfume worthless… The best place? The fridge! The refrigerator has a stable temperature and protects your perfume from heat and light. This prevents oxidation and the natural oils and essences in your perfume will break down less quickly. You could even use your freezer to store your beloved perfume, but it is not necessary. However, your perfume will not freeze in the freezer, since it contains alcohol. Good to know, right?
