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Tested:fast and safe bikini-proof

NewPhysic is a clinic that helps lose weight safely and responsibly. With a program based on your body and life, plus nutritional supplements for a more efficient fat metabolism. The promise:1 to 2 kilos a week off, for good. We want to see that… Santé's Mirte is putting it to the test.

Aim: 3 kilos off (and then please at the buttocks)
When: within 4 weeks
How: healthy food and guidance from NewFysic

The reason
I am looking forward to a nice beach holiday, all-inclusive in a beautiful resort in Turkey… Wonderful! But especially if I just manage to lose those extra pounds before I have to wear a bikini. So that last year's pants still fit.

The introduction
The reception at NewFysic takes place at the location in Amsterdam. An enthusiastic employee gives me a professional explanation about the method. In addition, he takes all my measurements, I am weighed (including fat percentage, moisture percentage, etc.) and I immediately receive a lot of practical advice and tips. His enthusiasm is contagious and it sounds like it's very easy to sustain. I want to see that!

How does it work?
The NewFysics program is based on lean and whole-grain food products, healthy snacks and smaller amounts per serving. I receive a 'shopping list' in which it is indicated per category what I can eat.

In addition, I take two nutritional supplements about 20 minutes before each meal. No, these are not fat burners that will make your heart beat faster! These are special nutritional supplements to maintain the muscles and ensure a more efficient fat metabolism. In the morning before breakfast I take two additional vitamin pills.

How do you like it? Phew, the first week is quite disappointing:the diet is based on avoiding sugars and fats. In short, lots of crackers with lean toppings, lots of vegetables and raw vegetables, lots of water and no sweets. But it's a matter of flipping a switch and being disciplined. You get used to the amount of food, as well as what is and isn't allowed and which substitutes are an option.

It really helps that I go back to my 'coach' every week for a progress meeting and am weighed again. With that in mind, I let the tasty things that pass by pass more easily. Because of course I want to see progress!

And you will naturally become creative, because it is also best to have a drink with healthy snacks such as cucumber with light herb cheese, and toasts with smoked salmon. And that is allowed (once in a while) from our New Fysic supervisor, just like a glass of white wine. Nice!

But then… after three weeks of New Fysic, my booked all-inclusive holiday starts. While I should actually be on a diet for another week. It is difficult to combine a diet and all the temptations of an all-inclusive. I try to hold back as much as possible and after a somewhat sinful week I just continue with the program for another week.

The result
During the weekly sessions with the coach it appeared that I had gained some weight during the first week (2 ounces). This may be because my BMI was not unhealthy beforehand and my body applied a shock effect:all the fat that still came in was immediately stored in my body. Fortunately, the second and following weeks it went better and I did lose some kilos.

In the end, in kilograms, not as much has gone off as I had hoped, but what does the centimeter say? Yoo-hoo, I've lost no less than 4 cm around the hips (read:buttocks)! Look, that makes me happy.

And now?
Changing your diet for a short period turns out to be a matter of perseverance † And with professional guidance, this is quite easy to maintain. Secretly, of course, it is about becoming aware of your eating pattern (what and especially how often and how much). Now that the weekly guidance has ended, it will become clear whether it is easy to maintain. In any case, I'm going for that with great courage!

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Note:the person in the picture is not the tester.