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New weapon against excess fat:freezing

Yes, indeed:making fat disappear through the use of cold. Cryolipolysis, as the new treatment is called, was developed by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital and is performed with a machine.

What exactly does it do?
The Zeltiq machine destroys fat cells by freezing them. Tackling fat through heat was already a method to get leaner , but the use of cold works at least as well, according to the researchers. So says dermatologist David Goldberg: "We've been melting fat with heat for years, but now the opposite is even more effective." Tests have shown that in one treatment 25 percent of the fat rolls on the stomach, hips or, for example, back can disappear. Sounds ideal right?

A minus: larger areas, such as thighs or buttocks, are more difficult to treat. But the scientists are working hard on an adjustment so that these sub-areas can also be tackled in the future.

How it works
At Cryolipolysis all body heat is extracted from the fat layer under the skin expelled. The temperature in the fat cells is reduced to 0 degrees, causing the cells to literally freeze † The fat cells die, while the rest of the tissue remains intact.

According to dermatologist David Goldberg, who has tried the device himself, the dead cells are then naturally removed by the body, which can take a while. You have to be patient:after two or three months you see the difference.

The method, which was developed in America, is now also being offered in Great Britain. However, it appears not everyone fan of the Zeltiq † Roberto Viel, cosmetic surgeon in London:'It sounds logical and safe, but is the body able to dispose of all the dead cells?' off. "If we're talking about a significant amount of destroyed fat, the liver, which has to get rid of it all, can become overloaded and get the body in trouble. I would in any case advise against treatment for someone with liver disease.”

When and whether the Zeltiq coming to the Netherlands is not yet known.