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Chocolate against sunburn?

Chocolate against sunburn?

Scientists have discovered that chocolate containing a high dose of the antioxidant flavonoid can protect the skin from sunburn. This is according to research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology .

Thirty people participated in the study. Half of the group was given the high-dose chocolate, the other half was given chocolate with a normal amount of the antioxidant. After twelve weeks, the high-dose chocolate eaters already showed a double protection against burns built up relative to the other group.

Flavonoids occur naturally in chocolate, but are largely lost in the heating process † The chocolate we tested was manufactured in a different way that preserved the original 660 mg of flavonoid.

But beware! The researchers report that chocolate can never replace an ordinary anti-sunscreen. In addition, chocolate contains many unhealthy saturated fats and sugars, which are bad for your health. The producer of this special chocolate is now looking for ways to make its product less fat and sugary.