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Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect

Micronutrition makes it possible to approach health differently. Vitamins, minerals and probiotics contribute to the overall improvement of the immune system. That's why I decided to do a cure with the German Braineffect products. .
The selected references strengthen immunity, reduce certain inflammations due to food. Having specific food intolerances , I work a lot on the intestinal microbiota. I have been following a tailor-made diet for several years, alternating micronutrition cures to rebalance the deficits.

Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect
Micronutrition &Wellness

For years, I have suffered from major digestive problems. I have excellent medical follow-up in Paris. As an organic enthusiast, I held back when I was invited to move up a notch in the scale of allopathic treatments, convinced that the solution could be found elsewhere and that these two problems must be linked. Thus, regularly I carry out vitamin cures according to my needs. The summer period being conducive to letting go, I tested two references within the German brand Braineffect.

Braineffect offers a range of natural, ethical and vegan supplements in order to combine health and well-being. The formulations are patented, developed and then tested in Germany. The advantage:each product contains high-performance active ingredients.

Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect
My dietary supplements:

Vitamin D3+Oil
Happy Gut Formula

Improve nutrient absorption, aid digestion, help stabilize/reduce post-meal glucose levels. My Braineffect cure helps strengthen my body naturally using natural and healthy ingredients.

My routine:

I consume the Happy Gu drink t when I wake up to eliminate toxins, prepare my intestines to better digest the meals of the day and feel light. It acts in particular on the entire digestive system thanks to its 9 billion probiotics and prebiotics, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12.There are no food additives , the taste is pleasant, like a small sweet drink.

As for Vitamin D3 + Oil , it is composed of vitamins D3, K2 and MCT oil. I consume it after sports to remineralize the body, before a hearty meal, then before bedtime.


I have chronic functional colopathy , so my Braineffect routine of course relieves my digestion and optimizes food absorption. Of course, I have a daily medical treatment, but this cure really relieves me especially by limiting my spasms.

Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect Micronutrition:my supplement cure with Braineffect So here is my combo to boost my immunity this summer 2021!