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Packaging, labels, finishes:how to recognize a real luxury brand?

Today, luxury is no longer just a matter of rarity. Because, whatever the field (haute-couture, spirits, jewellery, automobile, etc.), the major prestigious brands are also built on the notions of excellence, aesthetics, know-how, or even social codes. transmitted through each creation. These are all values ​​and traditions strongly anchored in the DNA of these brands, and in which the consumers concerned find themselves. From the packaging to the finishes, including the quality of the raw materials and the making of the labels, the major luxury brands do not skimp on the details to stand out from "standard" products and establish themselves in the market of excellence. . So, what are these small distinctive signs that differentiate prestigious luxury brands from mass market products ? Focus on 3 important details:the packaging, the label, and the finish of the items.

Packaging quality, a hallmark of luxury brands

@Enjoy The Life /

If, in traditional distribution channels, the packaging mainly has a practical function – namely, protecting the product in question – the luxury industry also gives packaging a resolutely aesthetic dimension. Whatever the sector – perfumery, leather goods, wines &spirits, cosmetics, etc. –, packaging also constitutes, for prestige brands, a serious differentiating factor compared to the competition . Luxury packaging therefore not only fulfills a protective function, it is also designed to convey the company's values ​​of excellence, reflect the care taken in design, and reinforce the exclusive character of its content, in a to increase its perceived value. In the field of luxury, packaging is also part of the customer experience; it arouses excitement, pride, or even joy. Many consumers keep the packaging as a precious reflection of their purchase. And it's a safe bet that the most successful of them are entitled to free advertising on social networks, which also helps to reinforce the image of the brand in question.

Luxury packaging therefore stands out for its superior quality materials , robust and fully adapted to the product, but also to the values ​​of the brand. The logo , the colors , and the graphics obviously recall the identity of the company in question. It must also be easily and immediately identifiable by consumers.

The woven label, a symbol of excellence

In the field of haute couture, the big luxury brands also stand out in relation to the famous labels sewn on clothes . The materials used make it possible to identify the excellence and know-how of a brand almost immediately.

As such, high-end designers almost exclusively use three types of woven labels:

  • the satin , which allows the production of thick, flexible and shiny woven labels. It supports light and dark colors (not bright colors) and offers the most elegant looking hemmed edges.
  • the High Definition quality , which allows you to embroider fine, precise, and complex logos, as well as supporting a wide palette of colors, from the brightest to the darkest (including pristine white, which is impossible to obtain with traditional taffeta or cotton labels). HD labels offer a satin finish that's pleasant to the touch, neatly hemmed edges , and impeccable finishes.
  • the Extra High Definition quality , which pushes the degree of precision, fantasy, excellence and complexity even further than HD; it is a quality of labels that we encounter especially with high-end brands whose graphics, colors, and/or typography are particularly technical and elaborate. Extra HD Labels offer a perfect rendering and finishes, once again, absolutely irreproachable.

In the same way as for the packaging, it is essential that the label reflect, through its design, the exclusive side of the product, but also be in perfect harmony with the values ​​of the luxury brand.

Finishes, a differentiating factor in the luxury sector

It is also thanks to sometimes imperceptible details that we recognize the major luxury brands, all sectors combined. A unique, exclusive shade of color, created especially for the prestige firm , a unique stitch to finish a hem, a perfume not found elsewhere, ..., luxury players sometimes compete in ingenuity and imagination to inscribe in their DNA differentiating elements sometimes flashy, sometimes subtly concealed, or even sometimes undetectable for the non-connoisseurs. However, it is these distinctive signs, true signatures , which make the difference between the prestigious house and the classic consumer product. caning in saddle stitch , emblematic of certain haute-couture firms , passing through the caulked sounds of doors or the subdued light of luxury automobiles, these visual, olfactory, or even auditory signs, alone express the degree of excellence, quality, and know-how instilled by the brand. luxury.