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Vacuum Stomach:the trick for a flat stomach without effort

You've probably heard of the Stomach Vacuum. This technique that everyone praises the merits on the networks and which would be able to give a flat stomach, without providing too much effort. True ? False ? Let's sift through this exercise.

It must be admitted, we have all already looked for how to get a flat stomach easily and quickly without having to sweat the task. Slimming program, abdominal session, food rebalancing, zumba, yoga, pilates, have you already tried a lot of things but you can't be diligent to get your results? Have you ever heard of the vacuum stomach? ? This breathing technique to get a flat stomach is a recommended technique for working your muscles deeply and gently!

Where does the vacuum stomach come from?

The vacuum stomach has its origins in the foundations of yoga and pilates. It was English bodybuilders who made it popular by praising its merits to draw their abs and the different muscles of the silhouette. Since then, the technique has been very popular, especially this year when social networks and Youtube videos keep talking about it.

What is stomach vacuum?

This is an abdominal muscle workout. But unlike the work of classic abdominals, these abdominals centered on the deep muscles are worked with breathing by performing static positions, this is called hypopressive abdominals . It is the transverse muscle that is mainly concerned. In support of the abdominal strap, it alone allows you to obtain a nice flat stomach from the inside. So unlike crunches, they don't bring the famous perfectly shaped chocolate bars but rather a sculpted and shaped body. It is not one of the exercises to do if you want to lose belly fat in 7 days!

The benefits of stomach vacuum

Build your stomach muscles without hurting your back

One ​​of these primary advantages is obviously not hurting your back. Contrary to the practice of classic abdominal exercises, the stomach vacuum protects the back and neck from all forms of trauma.

Protected perineum

It is also perfect for protecting the perineum famous pushes of crunches which risk favoring the descent of organs or the relaxation of the perineum. This is why the stomach vacuum technique is one of the exercises recommended to find a flat stomach after pregnancy . It works deep, but gently.

Easy to do at any time of the day

With the stomach vacuum, you no longer need to motivate yourself to get out your mat, your sportswear and your bottle of water. At any time of the day, you can practice it! You won't need any hardware.

Excellent for the digestive system

Finally, by regularly practicing the stomach vacuum, you improve your digestion and improve your transit ! It even helps to limit bloating, constipation and abdominal pain such as cramps or spasms.

A good way to eliminate stress and release tension

Physiologically, the technique is also beneficial. Indeed, focusing on your breathing and becoming aware of your body allows you to obtain a proven feeling of well-being. It also allows you to release tension and be less stressed.

How to do the stomach vacuum correctly?

The technique

There are several techniques for performing the stomach vacuum. The first is to lie on your back, legs bent and feet firmly planted on the ground. Start by taking a deep breath and inflating your belly. Then expiate slowly by contracting the perineum and draw in your belly knowing the air of your lungs. Try as much as possible to draw your belly inward as if you wanted it to touch your spine. When your belly is in, hold your breath for a few seconds then start the exercise again. Some women also practice it sitting or standing, but it's even better to have your back lying on something. As a reminder, it is very important to adopt pilates breathing, i.e. to exhale through the mouth and inhale through the nose !

Stomach vacum:how long?

Start by doing repetitions of 5 to start , then over time when you get used to it, increase to up to ten reps. What is important is to take the time to breathe deeply and exhale slowly.

Is there a danger in performing a stomach vacuum?

No, there is no danger and no contraindication to the practice of stomach vacuum.

Our opinion on the stomach vacuum

The stomach vacuum technique is ideal for all women who want to gently strengthen their abdominal muscles. Perfect if you were worried about damaging your back, hurting yourself and also if you have trouble motivating yourself. Unlike intensive abs sessions, stomach sessions are quick and easy, and nothing will make you sweat! You won't even need to take a shower after working out. However, the method works and allows to obtain very good results by drawing the silhouette (thinner waist, flatter stomach). To succeed, of course, you have to stick to it and practice the vacuum several times a week . No need to specify that it is also essential to adopt a balanced diet at the same time .

If your goal is to have real chocolate bars, you won't get there with a vacuum. Or you will have to add more abdominal exercises and a little cardio.

In summary

  • The stomach vacuum is a muscle building technique for the deep muscles of the stomach, it shapes the silhouette and allows you to have a flat stomach;
  • You have to practice it several times a week for at least 15 minutes to see results;
  • Controlling your breathing is essential, as is taking your time during exercise;
  • In addition to the beneficial aspects for the silhouette, the vacuum improves transit, limits back problems and helps to release tension!

So, do you want to give it a try?