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6 ideas for green tea cocktails (with and without alcohol)

Green tea has many virtues, it is an antioxidant, it burns fat, it strengthens immunity... in short, it's a bit like the "universal panacea" ideal for getting the fall off to a good start.
In addition, we have been witnessing a strong comeback of tea in recent years. If before we displayed ourselves with our cup of espresso, today it is much more trendy to show our tea in a pretty vintage porcelain cup. Also to take care of yourself, discover the October ORGANIC selection from the BelleauNaturel box and its ORGANIC Earl Gray green tea with bergamot.
And if tea is sometimes a little sad (especially if it is not accompanied by cupcakes) put a little fun in all this, with 6 recipes for healthy or more festive cocktails based on green tea.

Strawberry Iced Tea (6 glasses)

Ingredients :

500g fresh strawberries

50g of sugar

60ml of water

The zest of a lemon

1 liter of fresh green tea.

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, put the strawberries cut into pieces, the sugar, the water and the lemon zest over medium heat. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 25 minutes.

Mix this strawberry syrup

Put it in the fridge.

Put ice cubes in a tall glass, add 20cl of infused green tea and 3 tablespoons of homemade strawberry syrup.

Sparkling Iced Tea (6 glasses)

Ingredients :

250ml heavily infused hot tea

50g caster sugar

50ml syrup of your choice (peach, grenadine, orange, lemon, etc.)

1l of sparkling water

Fresh fruits

Mix the sugar and the syrup with the very infused hot tea.

Let this mixture cool.

When cold, fill a glass with ice cubes halfway with the tea mix and the other half with sparkling water.

Add fresh fruit because it looks pretty and tastes good. Slices of lemon or orange, raspberries, slices of peach or mango... the choice is yours.

Green tea with grapefruit (6 glasses)

Ingredients :

1 liter hot green tea

2 grapefruits

3 tablespoons runny honey

Lemon zest

Mint leaves

Sweeten the hot tea with the honey, infuse the lemon zest.
Leave to cool in the refrigerator.

Squeeze the 2 grapefruits
mix cold tea and grapefruit juice.

Serve over ice cubes and garnish with mint leaves

Green Tea Cosmopolitan (1 glass)

Ingredients :

60 ml green tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey

30ml vodka

15 ml of triple sec (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, etc.)

15ml lemon juice

15ml cranberry juice

Mix all the ingredients in a shaker, serve, drink… You are in sex &the city.

Green tea mojito (1 glass)

Ingredients :

½ lime

6 mint leaves

60ml green tea sweetened with honey

30ml white rum

In a glass, mash the mint leaves and lemon into quarters.

Pour the rum

Add crushed ice

Complete with green tea sweetened with honey.

Passionately tea (2 glasses)

Ingredients :

3 passion fruit

25 cl very cold green tea

4 teaspoons of honey

10 cl of whiskey

Shattered ice

Empty the passion fruit flesh and put it in a shaker with the green tea and honey. Stir until the honey dissolves.

Add the whisky, stir again.

Fill 2 glasses with crushed ice and pour the contents of the shaker.

Drink (in moderation)

This is a change from the traditional cup of tea.
So rather a quiet afternoon or a crazy evening? Either way, it will be with tea!
