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Eating Well Naturally...

Beautiful au naturel is also good eating au naturel! And for that, it is important to provide your body with everything it needs to function well.

Concretely, to cover your needs and avoid deficiencies, it is important to build your meals by drawing on all food groups:

First fruits and vegetables that we will choose in season since this is the time when their vitamin and mineral intake is optimal.

Then starches according to his appetite. They are low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates. If you eat them with every meal, they will save you the afternoon cravings... Think of pulses:lentils, chickpeas, dried beans... in addition to complex carbohydrates, they provide vegetable protein and fibre.

Then let's not forget to consume protein once or twice a day, the little "bricks" that make up our body. If you have trouble eating meat, know that fish contains just as much protein. Remember to alternate the different meats (beef, veal, poultry, pork, rabbit, lamb, etc.) and consume fish and eggs. Limit excessively fatty meats which may contribute to exploding your cholesterol level and/or your hip circumference

Obviously dairy products:They are an interesting source of good quality protein and are above all our main source of calcium. Yogurts and cottage cheeses contain a lot of water. Which makes them very filling snacks and much less energy than "milk bars". Don't be afraid to eat three servings a day.

As for fatty and sugary products, these are the ones that will have to be limited of course. Poor in vitamins and minerals, they provide our body with a lot of calories for a low volume. It is a pity to consume them for dessert or snack to the detriment of fruit or dairy. I'm thinking of chocolate bars with giant ice cream sticks, pastries...

Of course, it is not forbidden to have fun! To do this, play on homemade or less processed products:for example chocolate raspberries, homemade pies...

Stéphanie Bonifassi – Dietitian Nutritionist – Saint Paul de Vence