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Robin Williams, Chadwick Boseman… These 7 deceased stars who hid their illness

Like Bernard Tapie, or Florent Pagny, the stars tend more and more to reveal their illness to the general public. This has not always been the case, and even today, some personalities still prefer to remain discreet about their state of health.

When a star is stricken by a serious or incurable illness, the emotion overwhelms us with an immediate identification effect . This applies from the moment the celebrities in question reveal this affection and this is not always the case.

The shame of HIV

Politicians, singers, actors, business leaders, personalities with serious illnesses all have their very personal reasons for deciding to reveal them to the general public. Depending on the times, and the messages they want to convey, the choice can be forced or forced:fear of losing fans, of no longer finding roles , fear of frightening the insurance companies, desire not to appear ill, or quite simply shame for some.

When HIV invaded the 1980s and the cultural scene was largely affected by the disease, it was rather common not to talk about it:it was perceived then, in a completely erroneous way, as a disease little "shameful" which only affected homosexuals or drug addicts. This vision prompted a lot of celebrities not to reveal that they had it to remain discreet about their private lives.

The displayed transparency

Today, speech is rather free:unlike certain chilly times when it seemed good to hide bad news, it is now much more common for personalities to reveal a serious illness , like Florent Pagny recently and his cancer. To convey a message, inspire others, remove taboos, raise awareness of a cause, celebrities tend to talk openly about their health problems:from Grégory Lemarchal to Jean-Pierre Pernaut, from Johnny Hallyday to Bernard Tapie, they are numerous to have wanted to communicate without reluctance on what gnawed at them.

But even today, some stars, out of modesty or for other reasons, avoid going public with their health issues. Discover these 8 stars who died without the public knowing about their illness.