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5 tricks against smelly feet

It's a subject that we don't talk about much and yet it affects a very large number of us (or even everyone?):smelly feet. Yes, we all have shoes that we avoid taking off in public or else we will be very embarrassed! Who is responsible for these bad smells? Perspiration. Indeed, it is not the feet directly that smell bad, but the perspiration that feeds the bacteria (and the possible fungi). And since we all sweat, it's better to adopt tips to limit bad odors...

Wash your feet well

It seems obvious, but you have to wash your feet every day. And not just quickly in the shower! The ideal is to opt for an antibacterial treatment and to wash your toes conscientiously, then to dry them well (being careful to dry between your toes). We then apply an antiperspirant, either specially formulated for the feet, or "classic" (but if it is in ball or stick, we do not apply the same on both areas). And be careful not to slip after application!

Use talcum powder

There are special powders for the feet, but you can simply use talc. Sprinkle it all over the clean foot (sole and instep) before putting on the shoes. You can also put it directly in the shoe. His job ? Absorb moisture and reduce perspiration. A tried-and-true grandmother's tip...

Caring about socks and shoes

Basic principle:socks should be changed every day. When washing, we think of turning them over so that the sweat and dead skin are cleaned. For shoes, it's a little different, since you can't change or wash them every day. The rule is then to avoid wearing the same ones two days in a row. Why ? It takes 24 hours for them to dry out (from perspiration). They are kept in a ventilated place so that the air circulates. Another important rule:whenever possible, avoid wearing closed shoes without socks (this boosts perspiration and bacterial development).

Take a foot bath

What if we gave our toes a tea foot bath? The tannic acid it contains is an astringent that acts on the sebaceous glands (responsible for sweat production). We simply infuse a bag of black tea (preferably) in a basin of water and we offer ourselves 30 minutes of relaxation. Easy!

Bet on baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent anti-odor ally since it absorbs humidity and odors and prevents the development of bacteria. We sprinkle it in the evening in the shoes and we remove the surplus in the morning (we do this every day). It's perfect for closed shoes that always smell more than open shoes.

So, whose toes smell good are they? See you again!